Jan 6 Committee subpoenas... aren't they cut and dried?

Maybe I misspoke about being subpoenaed per se and I’m trying to find the exact quote, but the Chair did state that Pelosi and others in the command chain would not be called to testify before the committee.

I looked for it, too, and could find nothing. So whenever you find it, I’d be interested to see it.

I have heard Republican Representatives make that claim so I wonder if it was made privately. Still looking. But if he never said it, do the Dems here think Thompson will ask Pelosi and Irving to testify and if they refused, subpoena them?

First, I think Paul Irving and Speaker Pelosi have already voluntarily shared all the information with the Committee they require.

Second, if the Committee had additional questions for these people, I don’t believe subpoenas would be needed. They would speak voluntarily to the Committee.

Third, I think you are straining hard to view this through a partisan lens – as Republicans often encourage “their side” to do. Remember that Kevin McCarthy had the opportunity to comprise this committee with 5 Republicans on it.

He played games and tried to put a material witness on it (Jordan). Speaker Pelosi solicited him to choose 2 others to replace Jordan and Banks. Instead, McCarthy pulled out of the committee entirely. It was at Pelosi’s behest that 2 Republicans joined the committee. It is bipartisan, however much Republicans now want to couch Cheney and Kinzinger as “Demoncrats”.

Lastly, I think you’re going far out on a limb to suggest that either Paul Irving or Nancy Pelosi would require subpoenas. They wouldn’t. They understand their oaths of office and Constitutional duties.

Except I didn’t say that. I asked that if they did not willingly testify, would Thompson subpoena them. In other words, treat them exactly like he did the Republicans. And sharing information is not the same as testifying where all of the members of the committee can ask questions.

And you accuse me of straining hard through a partisan lens and again on the Dope “Republicans do it” aka Dems are the party of Truth and don’t lie or play the political game. Discussing this is partisan on both sides, yours and mine because this whole committee gamesmanship has been partisan on both sides since it was created. Do you honestly believe that this committee will have any other report than Trump and other Pubs are guilty of something and the the SotH, Irving and Sund are completely blameless? Do you think that if the Pubs take the House on January 3rd, 2023 there won’t be a new committee whose report is the exact opposite? That is the game that is reality nowadays in DC and to think only Republicans play political games for political profit is willful blindness. So if I point out that Thompson won’t call Pelosi to testify but will call leading Pubs to embarrass them on questioning, it is only partisan because Thompson made it partisan.

At least as of early February, Pelosi stated that she has not shared any information with the committee. She also said she would voluntarily do so if asked.


I agree but it sure seems like a lot refused to show up at all. At the least, they dragged their heels, made the investigation jump through many hoops to get them in the room and then, IF they showed up, they invariably all had amnesia and/or invoked the 5th.

Yes, I think he would.

The Committee should subpoena whomever they must to get to the bottom of what happened on January 6th. Including any and all Democrats.

Here’s the problem:

In what crazy world would Pelosi need a subpoena? You’ve set up this straw man so you can knock it down and pretend this is “both siderism.” It just isn’t. Do you honestly think January 6th was just partisan hijinks, not worthy of investigation?

There’s only one side that conspired with a corrupt president to overthrow a lawful election. There is actual evidence of this, lots of it, and it comes from only one side. The Committee needs information to do what it can to safeguard us from another such occurrence. It is not partisan. It is a necessary undertaking and should be of utmost concern to all Americans.

If you have actual evidence that Pelosi and/or Irving are trying to dodge their duties; that they have material information necessary to uncover this plot, then absolutely – the bipartisan Committee should request their cooperation to impart that information and subpoena if necessary. But you’ve offered nothing except some vague notion that ‘some Republicans are saying…’ and can’t even support your contention. That’s not enough.

Again, the reason the Committee needed to subpoena McCarthy, Biggs, Brooks, Jordan and Perry is because they refused to voluntarily speak with the Committee and share information they possess about their roles in the January 6th insurrection. There is actual evidence for this understanding and the Committee already has it. This is the opportunity for those 5 congressmen to give their side of the story. Why refuse, if their motives are innocent?

I think your views are so inculcated with Republican talking points, you’re not able to parse this as a non-partisan evidentiary proceeding. Subpoenas are being issued to Republicans who have direct information based on evidence that they helped attempt to overthrow a lawful election. Show me evidence where Pelosi or Irving had anything to do with that scheme, and I’ll absolutely agree the Committee should subpoena them – assuming they’ve already been asked to voluntarily share information and refused.

Oh, look. No subpoena required.

(Emphasis mine.)

@Saint_Cad, we agree that Republicans will conduct “proceedings” if they regain power in November. The difference being, just as McCarthy gloated over the true purpose of Benghazi – to damage Hillary Clinton politically – there will be thin to no evidence to support such proceedings. They’ll do it for spite, malice and to propagandize notions of The Evil Left™. Which, I’m sorry to say, you seem to have already bought into.

What on Earth are you talking about?

I’m sorry. That wasn’t directed at you. I can see how you thought it was, though.

It was directed at @Saint_Cad. I was using your point to show that Pelosi wouldn’t need a subpoena to testify before the Committee.

ETA: I’ve edited my post to clarify this.

Gotcha. No worries.

Why would they need Pelosi’s testimony, unless they wanted her to testify about her personal experience on January 6th?
We’ve already debunked the right wing theory you seemed to believe, which is that Nancy Pelosi had some sort of direct responsibility to command and direct the Capitol Police. You will also notice that even if this ridiculous talking point happened to be true, Mitch McConnell would be exactly as culpable as Nancy Pelosi, and no one’s ever said fuck all about Mitch McConnell “failing to protect” the Capitol, or how Mitch should be subpoenaed.

So why are you still hanging on to the idea that it’s somehow partisan for the committee not to harangue Nancy Pelosi about failing in her duty to protect the Capitol Building, now that we’ve established that she has no such duty?

It’s like political MAD.

Some would say, GO FOR IT!