Jay Leno injured in car explosion {2022-11-14}

1907 White according to the TMZ article posted earlier.

The TMZ article linked above says he was working on a “1907 White Steam Car” when the accident happened.

I can’t find cite for it but I’m pretty sure the White could run off of either gasoline or kerosene. Any google search just brings up page after page of Jay Leno’s accident.

I don’t know if there was anything that you needed to change when switching from one fuel to the other. I suppose it’s possible that Jay’s was set up specifically for gasoline.

From watching his YouTube videos, IIRC Jay converted at least some of his steam cars to burn propane, which makes them less original but probably more practical and safer if you actually want to drive them in the modern era. But obviously this particular one hadn’t been converted.

Here is a YouTube on the 1907 White steam car, the one that set Leno on fire. This video is from about 12 years ago:

Between 4:40 and 4:50 he ironically talks about getting burned. Granted, he was referring to steam, but yeah, in light of recent events that’s a bit spooky. Also around 5:25. He lights up the pilot with a plain old match. Note the presence of a fire extinguisher, which does get a little bit of use. Watching this it makes a little more sense how one could set one’s hands and face on fire with this car. The video does go into operation a bit, if you’re interested.

More steam car hi-jinks with an even older steam car, a 1906 Stanley Steamer. Just the intro to this video illustrates some of the hazards of these old cars, and possible reasons we don’t build them like we used to (thank Og).

“When you’re made of wood, on fire, going 65 mph it’s fascinating”

I think that quote gives some insight into the mindset of folks who keep these cars running.

Actually, I can personally vouch for the fact he drives them himself.

A couple years ago I lived in Burbank, and walked to my corner gas station for a pack of smokes. Sitting there, gassing up was an antique fire engine, tended to by a tall older gentleman and a couple younger guys. After I got my smokes, I turned around and realized who the tall dude was - Jay Leno, so I walked over chatted with him a bit and took some pictures of the truck details for my car fanatic father.

There happened to be a carbecue on the 5 next to us at the time, so he turned on the siren (once) with a big laugh, hopped behind the wheel with the other guys in back and rolled off to wherever he was going.

He was very cool about my asking him to do the siren again so I could sample it - I hope he recovers quickly.

The TV news is reporting that Leno has had a couple surgical procedures. Also, he was apparently walking around the burn ward and handing out cookies to kids.

So… I read this as serious injuries that are being treated, but not life-threatening, at least not with modern medicine. I hope his hands are not impaired by this, as the man clearly enjoys working on things.

Huh. Video clip on the TV news today of Leno in a hyberbaric chamber with bandaged arm and hands. Doctor mentioned the use of donated skin to cover the wounds, and planned further surgical procedures later this week.

I can only assume that Leno has willingly waived some of his HIPAA privacy otherwise there’s be lawyers all over the doctor and medical facility.

So, yeah, some of those burns were presumably third degree, but limited in area. Still hoping he has an uneventful and quick recovery with no lingering impairments. He may not be in the hospital for an extended period, but with his hands injured there will probably be an extended period of rehab and therapy to heal and regain full function.

Apologies if I missed a thread on this, but I didn’t see one.

Comedian/former talk show host Jay Leno has undergone surgery for some pretty “significant burns,” according to this article.

Per the article, he was working underneath one of his cars when a gas fire started. Leno suffered second- and third-degree burns on his face, chest, and hands. He’s listed in good condition, however, and is expected to recover.

Thread here:

On the bright side …

“He’s Jay Leno, he’s walking around, he’s cracking jokes,” [his doctor] said, noting the comedian is “incredibly kind” to the hospital staff.

“His injuries are serious, [but] his condition is good,” he said, “ I do anticipate him making a full recovery.”

Must have been a real freak accident as Leno is very knowledgeable about cars. He doesn’t just collect them, he understands them and is very much hands-on.

I’ve flagged this to either be closed or merged into the existing thread.


If you’ve seen his videos on steam cars it’s less freakish. Steam is a great technology in some regards but 1900-1920 the state of the art did not conform to modern safety standards.

I’ve seen them. I read that this was “a gasoline fire” and assumed it was an ordinary gas-powered vehicle, but I see on further reading that it was a 1907 White steam car. Thanks.

Still a freak accident, though. Gasoline spilled on him and then there was a spark that ignited it. Not clear what caused the spark.

Jay is getting treatment in a hyperbaric chamber. The oxygen prevents infection and encourages healing.

There’s a photo. Jays left.arm is bandaged almost to the elbow. His right hand and wrist is bandaged. He won’t be turning wrenches for awhile.

Jay is home. The photo shows burns on has jaw and throat onto the chest. Hands burned. That has to be very painful. The blisters on his neck. Geez

I’m surprised they already removed the bandages.

The bandages may have been removed for the photo-op. Mr. Leno has been very open about his condition and medical treatment and I could see him being willing to show his injuries as part of that openness as well as to forestall rumors.

The injuries look bad (and they are serious) but this is still early in healing. With time the cosmetic appearance will improve. He’ll probably have some permanent scarring but it will be less obvious/prominent with time.

And… he back performing on stage:

Jay was incredibly lucky. He received very aggressive treatment that prevented infection and saved damaged skin. Gave it time to heal.

It’s great seeing him back doing stuff he enjoys.