John Gibson of Fox News is a psychopath

Gibson’s anti-French comments after the London bombings were despicable.

It reveals the true nature of certain right-wingers. They are about hatred of others more than love of their own.

Give any conservative enough air time and they will get overconfident and reveal their black heart.

So every conservative has a black heart?

You didn’t get the memo?

Sort of a dark brown, really. With a texture similar to beef jerky.

Not quite as salty, though.

Oh, okay. I don’t really get the memos. I’m not a [True™ Liberal™]™.

No! Really?

Hey, you’re nothing to fear.

John Gibson said that he thinks Karl Rove should be given a medal for outing a CIA agent because he was the only one “with the cajones to do it.”

video link:

In this administration, it wouldn’t be the first time medals were given out under dubious circumstances.

The guy is a nutter, very few are defending him, including conservatives. It just feels cheap to try and score political points off his comments. It’s similar to bashing Christianity based on the actions of the Phelps clan (or Islam based on the actions of terrorists).

Well, ya see, it isn’t really about Gibson as such, but about *Fox * (again), and their actions and judgment in giving ratbutts like him national air time.