Join the Holosuite Regulation Board

In DS9, Vic Fontaine’s 24 7 Vegas program seems to have no such problem.

Ylaria Screw that noise. The Holodeck has no point unless it’s as real as possible. Will there be ramifications? Probably. I’m willing to risk it.

I think you mean the opposite of what you wrote.

I never understood why people felt the holodeck is bad… It is, quite simply, the thing we’ve been working for since we picked up the first rock. The ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want it, and have no worries at all.

I look forward to the day the holodeck comes, and would immerse myself in it completely as soon as possible, never returning to outside life.

I think Lumpy is confusing the limitations of cloning, Trek-style. In “Data’s Day,” Crusher is able to determine that the remains of the Vulcan ambassador/Romulan spy are replicated matter because of what she calls single-bit errors. It’s clear from her tone that such errors are unavoidable. The implication is that this always happens, and that if you use a replicator to scan and duplicate a replicated object, eventually the errors will build up and the object will be faulty.

I don’t know if they eve went into detail in the series, but the various supplementary material have explained this as - replicators only duplicate things on an atomic or molecular level (and for some things they genericize it) which takes less energy and memory space. Whereas for transporters, they duplicate things down to a quantum level, which obviously takes more energy and memory space and error detection, but is needed in order to successfully <del>murder and make a copy of</del> transport humans.

ETA: how do you do a strikethrough on smdb anyway?

<del>Instead of carets,</del> [del]you want square brackets.[/del] See?

I think you mean SDMB, though.

And now I will tremble as I await the wrath of Gaudere.

Thanks! And surely this is the dope board for straight messages, right? :wink:

If it’s not too late to ask the holosuite regulation board…

Could we set up a Nanny and the Professor or Mary Poppins program and use it to babysit children for days at a time? Or send them to school with Ben Franklin?

Yes, what would be going on is: you are a regular guy.

Every regulation that causes people to feel like they can’t do anything they please in the holosuite without consequence is one day closer the “home holosuite” black market comes to stealing all the “official holosuite” business.

What about things that would be normally impossible to experience. Could one’s sanity survive the effects of trying to move through simulated n dimensional hyper space?

Who, exactly, is going to write the progam to simulate that?

I’m sure Stephen Hawking could get somebody to handle the code for him.

My question is- How would we be able to perceive such a trip? Wouldn’t we just experience the usual three spatial dimensions?

That’s kind of my point. It’s like creating a simulation in which all the objects are visible only in ultraviolet.

Like another poster already mentioned, it should be forbidden for the Holosuite to do anything that could lead a person to believe they’re leaving the suite - for instance, it wouldn’t be allowed to make a holo-version of the holosuite door. Also, there should be a registration system so nobody gets lost in there. A person would have to declare how long they’re planning on staying inside.

I’d imagine that you pay for a set period of time. When that expires, so does the simulation, so “getting lost” isn’t an option.

It would probably have to involve either mind altering psychoactive substances or some kind of magnetic cranial stimulation, both of which allow people to have experiences normal 3D reality doesn’t allow for.