Jolly has won. What does this mean for democrats?

I think we agree on something. The GOP has shown no competence at governing in a very long time at the national level. Until they prove they can govern, voters have every reason to be skeptical.

And while I’m thrilled to see Jolly win, I’m not sure electing a professional lobbyist is the direction the GOP should be moving in.

If you want to take any lesson from the election in Florida, take this one. Defend the law.

Yep. Democrats own it, they might as well like owning it.

If so, that’s a huge problem that they need to fix. The 2010 midterm losses were crippling.

John Nichols in The Nation: Jolly won because he got a lot more out-of-state funding.

I think Dems REALLY need to work hard on getting people to the polls if they want to maintain control of the Senate. Gonna be hard considering their half-hearted, lackluster attempts to deal with the economy, which is directly tied to their ownership by Wall Street.

I don’t think there is too much to take away from any congressional special election. I’d wouldn’t be crowing if Sink had one and I’m not going to cry because of the loss. A special election in the middle of March is always going to favor the most reliable voters, which tend to be older and white.

I will say that I agree you can’t run a campaign waffling on the ACA. None of this John Kerry nonsense of being for the war before you were against the war. The ACA will be a 4 year old issue and it will likely lose momentum except among political junkies.

The 2014 Senate was always going to be a very difficult one for the Dems, they’re defending seats that were swept in by the 2008 Obama landslide. The Republicans will have the same problem in 2016, defending seats from the 2010 Republican beat down.

The Republicans can recapture the Senate, but they’ll need everything to go their way, similar to the Dems in 2006


Democracy is haaaard.

It would have been kind of a big deal if Sink won. I would have been crowing at least a little bit. Heck people were crowing a bit just because it was so close.

I like this quote, from Florida loss big blow to Dems' hopes - POLITICO

“In this environment, the only thing Democrats can do is hope for Republican opponents who come from professions even more unpopular than Washington lobbyists, and I’m not aware of any tow-truck drivers on the GOP ticket this year,” said Andy Sere, a GOP consultant.

I daresay Wall Street types are even more unpopular than Washington lobbyists, and there are plenty of those in the GOP.

Hope springs eternal.

From Salon: