Jörg Haider ist kaput.

Are we talking about some folks who fucked-up Europe in the 1940s, or are we talking about Joerg Haider ?

I didn’t particularly like Haider’s politics, but I don’t see why you have a problem with the fact that he was gay (it wasn’t much of a secret). Maybe you’re a tad less tolerant than you think you are ?

Anybody have any cites of Joerg Haider going on the record against homosexuality ?

He venerates the SS and calls them heroes. That’s a good enough endorsement of nazi politics for me, and therefore a support of their anti-gay policies (you can’t pick and choose which parts of homocidal lunacy you take on board).

He also gets his rocks off with underage slavic boys - this on its own is bad enough (the underage bit) - but to do so in the knowledge that the political regime on which you base your worldview would have had you put do death just two generations before for that same lifestyle is perhaps not a great position for leader of a pro-nazi far-right party.

Just when you thought this story couldn’t get weirder:

That’s…an odd statement for a 27YO to make.