July Mundanaeity

I’m an English teacher; I can spell it any way I like.

As this is MPSIMS, and as we have been sorely lacking a thread devoted to the mundane, pointless stuff in our lives, I thought I might start one up.

  • the ants have invaded the house where I live. They bite my mom but leave me alone. They swarm over anything with calories left lying around. Once it cools off, they should retreat.

  • Mom is all impressed with herself as she’s purchased a copy of tLotR trilogy and is actually reading it. It’s very good, she says. I grind my teeth because I’ve been telling her that for ten years now.

  • U-Haul boxes kick ass. Well made and proportioned, they enabled me to cut down the number of boxes my stuff is packed into by at least five. If this were D&D, they would be “Boxes, moving (+3)”.

  • I get to teach A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Summer School. It’s my favorite Shakespeare play, and I’m stoked.

  • I am the Queen of Procrastination. I still have to put the handout packet together for Monday so I can turn it in tomorrow to be copied. I haven’t done anything yet. I knew it was a mistake to “just check a couple of posts on the board”. Sheesh

  • my brother, the lurker rincewind, makes mix tapes to listen to in the car. I want a copy of his latest because he put Fat Boy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice” on it, which includes the coolest literary allusion I’ve heard in a while: “walk without rhythm, and you won’t attract the worm.”

Please feel free to add your own mundanaeity.

Half way between the gutter and the stars

[sub]Thanks a lot. When I finally get this song out of my head someone like you comes along and puts it back there. Now I will have to go do the dance[/sub]

I’m listening to Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue…and after that, “Video Killed the Radio Star”. I absolutely love that song…
Today is July 11th,right? Well according to my sisters book “the pagan book of days”, today commemorates Theano, wife of greek philosopher Pythagoras. My best friend’s name is Theano…shes a kickass person. She introduced me to this board :slight_smile:
…A Midsummer Night’s Dream is indeed one of my favorite Shakespeare plays as well.

Well thats my mundanaeity for now…

I’m slowly learning to play “Little Martha” by Duane Allman as recorded by Leo Kottke. I’ve got the first part down but progress on the rest is slow. FWIW, Mrs. Pluto said she recognized the tune, which is high praise coming from her.

It’s hot here (for Seattle). My employer is on a big energy-savings-at-all-costs campaign so they’ve bumped up the thermostats, shut off all the chillers in the water fountains and turned out over half the lights. So now I sit in a warm, dark cubicle and drink lukewarm water.

On the other hand the fireworks were spectacular on the Fourth.

Mrs. Pluto is off visiting her family AGAIN! This is about her thirteenth visit so far this year. Of course they do live on a gorgeous lake in Northern Idaho. Actually, I don’t mind her going – it’s just that I’ve got a looming deadline at work and I can’t afford to take any time off.

Further bulletins as the situation warrants.