JUNK for school lunch!

If kids are given a choice of cookie or apple they will choose the junk.

If they are offered daily several nutricious choices, they will choose one of those… banana or orange?

We recently moved from Austin. They recently overhauled their school lunch program and made it much healthier. For example, today on their menu lunch is a stuffed baked potato, vegetable soup and a tossed salad. Yesterday was a turkey sandwhich and steamed broccoli.

It’s possible. But it takes work. And maybe baked potatoes are more expensive than corn dogs. But that’s just thinking of the short term costs. In the long term with such a high rate of obesity, the medical social costs are HUGE.

The parents, of course. But the point is, the parents, through their taxes, are paying for those lousy meals. They should certainly have some say in what goes into them.