Just had an earthquake!

Except for Northridge (at the time I was living about 5 miles SE of the epicenter) and the quake in 70 (71?) I’ve always enjoyed earthquakes. It’s quite a sensation to have the earth move under your feet. It is a shame they can be so destructive, because apart from that they are fascinating.

My hunny woke me last night in the middle. I was glad, too. It was cool.

This is a non-smoking area. If we see you smoking, we will assume you are on fire and act accordingly.

Dougie: Jess went out of her way to make you happy. She called it San Franciso. Now you have to admit you don’t hear that every day. :smiley:

  • sung with a bitchin’ hard rock band for backup…*
    “I- wanna Rock & Roll all night, & party everyday!”

Or should that be—“Shake, Rattle & Roll”?


Attention C#3!The inside of your musty head is a exercise wheel;
in which two gerbils, Vanity and Credulity by
name, tussle fruitlessly over the walnut that
represents your banal & pointless existance.

For some reason, i noticed some people back east think ALL quakes are going to rip California off of the continent (exaggerating here a lot :)). I remember a friend of mine from NYC saying, “Once you get that big one you you guys are going to fall into the sea”. Sorry, but just a fraction is moving and we’re headed towards Alaska.

And other friends think we get harmed when we have small tremblors here. I was in IRC one day chatting and a small quake struck, only like 3.6 or so. I mentioned it in the chat and everyone said “Are you ok?! I hope you’re all right!”.

‘The beginning calls for courage; the end demands care’

Went to Costco yesterday and stocked up on bottled water and batteries. I suppose the quake served as a solid reminder (irony intended) that my emergency kit needed refurbishing.

Omni–I live about 15 miles east of Pasadena, and about 100 miles west of the epicenter of the quake. I was about 30 miles east of the Northridge quake–it was loud, violent, and accompanied by innumerable aftershocks that completely screwed up the equilibrium, but there was no damage.

Thufferin’–I went to the site already and filled out the survey for both this and the Northridge quake. Kinda cool, actually.

Appropriately, we’re having a drop and cover drill at school this week.

I used to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

Omniscient: I live in the Valley; North Hollywood, to be precise.

Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.
—Red Green

Stupid malapropism–I meant restocking, not refurbishing. I don’t think brightening up the kit with a colorful vase would help in emergencies. Of course, you never know…

Hmph, I moved to San Jose from Dayton two years ago expecting earthquakes. I mean CA is earthquake country, and Dayton is tornado country…what do I get? My first year here, the bay area has two tornados, I’ve only felt on trembler, and Dayton had a small earthquake…What IS it with this planet. Grumble. :slight_smile:

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes