Kentucky goes to hospital for a circumcision and gets his penis amputated.

Nah, they’re all floating around in jars of formalin in the lab cupboard. :eek:

Actually it’s been years and years since I saw the last penectomy specimen. Early detection, one hopes.

I think it’s CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. At least it was at the hospital system where I used to work. CNAs are nursing assistants.


If you liked that… here’s a similar comment.

because it would be to much of a pain in the ass

You folks may be getting the Power of Attorney form (of which you need just one and the patient typically supplies) confused with the consent for treatment, of which one is required for each surgical procedure.

It is the consent that covers the hospital’s A.

Please tell me that was a deliberate attempt at the best pun ever. :smiley:

Also, how does this man pee now? I’m just curious how that works.

So now you can pay to be cock blocked?

I wonder if they will subpoena anyone during the trial?

Good thing they didn’t find brain cancer.

Awww now, don’t be jealous!

Speaking as a dweeby med student, this story makes no sense whatsoever. Pregnancy isn’t a contraindication to surgery, and the reason doctors always want to get a pregnancy test is so we can avoid certain medications or be aware of possible complications which are more likely in a pregnant patient.

IMO it’s not having provided this answer, but instead opening right up with “waiting for the baby”, that made Broomstick’s interlocutor a dweeb.

To clarify, when I said the story didn’t make sense, I was including the interlocutor’s statement.

Shmendrik, I’m sure you are aware that not all medical students are created equal, yes? In the cold light of rationality, sitting here years after the incident, I can rationalize that he was young, inept, unskilled (hence, still a student), and perhaps not the most sterling representative of the category “med student”. At the time, however, I had gone from feeling perfectly fine to being told I need emergency surgery in less than 12 hours, the first surgeon had referred me to another because he felt I needed someone with greater skills than he had, I was scared, in a great deal of pain, feeling very sick (throwing up about a half dozen times from either the infection, the pain, or both) and certainly not at MY best. My spouse made sure I didn’t give into the temptation to take a swing at the guy, and then did his best to defuse the situation.

Of course, that is one of the problems with the notion of “informed consent” - in the medical world at the point in time one needs to get the patient to sign the patient, even if of sound mind, may be under such stress that he or she is not thinking entirely clearly, or considering all the ramifications.

The proper answer, of course, is the one you gave - “we need to know for certain if you’re pregnant or not for medical reasons, including risk of adverse reactions.” The incorrect one is, of course, assuming waiting months for the baby to be born takes priority over all other possible options. When the patient asks of possible consequences if it turned out she was pregnant the correct answer is “there are several options and one would have to be chosen based on the medical situation and your personal feelings about being pregnant”, it’s not “of course we wait for the baby before we do anything”. He pinged my radar as someone who’d automatically assume I would choose my baby over myself and make such a decision for me, without even asking. Maybe that was jumping the gun, but given I was already in a pretty dire situation I didn’t want to take the risk of someone with that mindset being around me (not that I thought it in those exact terms, mostly I did NOT trust this person to have MY best interests in mind) I’m sure we were both happier that way. I don’t know if the guy was just that inept or had religious issues or what - I very promptly stated I never wanted to see him again and I never did during the months-long follow up to the surgery.

Which leads me to ask - just how many cock lops are done a year?

I remember that from the famous thread, and “Dweeb” is too kind a word. He was parroting some script that was appropriate for elective surgery, which yours was not. The most they could have done was changed some approaches / used safer-for-baby meds or whatever.

I had a pregnancy test the morning of my gallbladder removal. While I knew there was no chance, they were covering all bases and it was reasonable. The surgery could have been postponed, or they might have done things differently (as mine was not emergent).

I have to agree with the opinion that the guy must have signed something saying “treat whatever you find”… and there must have been a real concern. Circumcisions in adults are far from routine matters, even if the procedure is generally a minor one, so if they knew it was needed, and wanted general anesthesia vs. whatever local would be possible**, they must have suspected it was worse than “inflammation”.

** and by possible, I include “what the patient would sit still for”… I mean, I’m not a guy, but I suspect it’d be hard to make me sit still if someone was heading THERE with a needle!

Sounds more like an axe than a needle.

Kentucky goes to hospital for a circumcision and gets his penis amputated

That’s not a penis, that’s the New Madrid Bend. The “surgeon” being the big ol’ Mississippi River. Who cut it off poor Kentucky during an earthquake in 1812.

It sounds like the difference in your case was that you gave consent for a specific procedure, not “any…deemed necessary” by the surgeon present, on the spot.

Curious, if they cuts one’s penis off, do they still leave the balls just hangin’ there? That might look just a tad weird, kinda like have two spare tires but no car.