Surgoshan, that’s got to be one of the most profound statements I’ve read in a long time. I may borrow that for use as a future sig…

But until the wall falls down, we’re all going to have massive headaches…



Are we done yet? No?

::::::banging head against wall like a club footed man::::::

I must sleep, my hormones are acting up again. Where’s my prozac?


That which a man had rather were true he more readily believes.

I’d think the wall would fall down a little more easily if you used a battering ram or heavy cannon instead of human skulls.

No matter how thick the skull in question appears to be. :wink:

Can’t resist–just talked to my 98 year old aunt today and she told me a story–
Her father had a friend named Mr. Lonberger. He worked on the wharf at night. One morning he came home and found his wife’s body wrapped in a quilt and dumped into a barrel in his yard. He was devastated, as you can imagine. He quit his job and sat on the porch staring down the road. One day he saw a Black woman coming down the road in one of his wife’s dress. He grabbed her and shook her till she told him who had given her the dress. Mr. Lonberger then got some men together and they tracked down the guy she had named. They lynched him and left him hanging off the tree branch.
She never mentioned KKK. It was, however, a lynching of a Black man.