Knitting help - using a pattern

Ditto - I’d love to get the pattern for that sweater.

Wow, thanks, you guys! That was actually my first pullover sweater and first one I had to seam together. :slight_smile:

The pattern is called Taconic and it’s at WEBS (link there for you).

The changes I made:

  • I substituted Di’ve Zenith yarn instead of using the Valley Yarns Williamstown (it’s a teal color, but my old bathroom made it look green in the photo. I like it that way, too, heh).
  • I added in waist-shaping. You start knitting the front and back pieces at the bottom, so I knit a few inches, decreased in on each side, knit more, then increased on each side after about 3" (I have the specific numbers somewhere; they were based on my measurements, the stitches per inch, etc.). I managed to actually make it fit my curves!
  • The pattern makes a SHORT sweater. I added two full inches to the bottom to get it where it is in the picture. I’d recommend doing the same; I would’ve ended up with something that stopped near my navel otherwise.
  • The sleeves are rather wide and loose. I just cheated and seamed them in a bit more snugly. It means I have a bit of a ridge at the seam, but whatever!