Know of any good places to post controversial topics, especially for anti-Pit people?

Well, at least you showed up here to post it, so there’s that.

Beyond that, you haven’t said anything. If you @Sunny_Daze want to put some words around what your problem is, bring it.

Otherwise, ~shrug~

If all you do is reason about it, you’re never going to have sufficient empathy - e.g. to realize the real harmful impact regularly encountering racist speech has on those who have previously experienced the impacts of racism from the wrong side. Which is why you can land up with such utter oxymoronic bullshit as “he’s an open racist, but he’s a nice guy”

That’s the catch-22.

Somebody’s being emotional? Emotional arguments are wrong, all arguments should be based on logic.

Nobody’s being emotional? Then clearly nobody’s being hurt, so what’s the big deal?

– either way, people following this “logic” get to dismiss the argument.

All arguments made by humans, when you drill down far enough, are based on emotion; except maybe the ones about abstract mathematics. And even those are being made because some humans care, passionately, about abstract mathematics.

And it’s entirely possible to be both emotional and logical in the same post.

I’ve been reading along, wondering why nobody mentioned the elephant in the room, then @Sunny_Daze did.

Exactly, well spotted.

I’m glad you added this qualifier, because otherwise I was going to suggest that, clearly, you had not absorbed the implications of Euler’s identity for us all. Or contemplated how Ace can be One and Eleven. What kind of god would allow that?

Well, you’re obviously arguing with someone else you’ve dreamed up, because I’ve said no such thing. I’ll leave you to your emotional tantrum, then. When you’re worn yourself out and are willing to actually address me, let me know.

Hint: I never said ignore the emotional aspect. I said one must be able to get past dealing with it only on that level if they want to actually affect their situation. I’ve seen nothing in this thread that even begins to make me doubt that position.

This, by the way, is a pretty fuckin disgusting thing to say. Maybe reflect on this and don’t do it.

Well, they’re attributing rather horrible things to me that I sure as hell didn’t say. I’m not willing to say they did that maliciously, and am willing to think they are addressing the argument in an emotional rather than logical way. If it is disgusting, I’m not giving nearly as nasty stuff as I’m receiving. Probably because I’m not that emotionally involved in what someone on a message board thinks of me.

It’s possible that you’re less emotionally invested in discussions of racism than MrDibble, yeah. That doesn’t exactly justify your acting like a dick to him and then being super defensive about it. When I say “maybe reflect on this,” I ain’t kidding about the “reflect” part.

Oh, I assure you I’ll reflect on it. I generally examine my actions. If I feel contrite, I may apologize. At the moment I’m not really seeing a reason to. Again, the reasons they would say I would think an open racist is a nice guy seem limited to either they knew they were lying about how I felt or they were so emotional they weren’t considerate enough to check. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming the latter.

He was pretty clearly referencing the people who called Clothahump or Shodan a “nice guy, outside of politics”. He didn’t say you in particular said that, he said your attitude is what leads to generally anti racist people having a blindspot when it comes to the racism of Shodan or Clothahump.

For me, it was “raghead” that was the real standout.

There’s a lot of criticism about the Pit these days, but I don’t see how posting here is making anyone accidentally use racial slurs.

Whoa. It’s a damn shame that was tolerated.

Oh crap, I remember that now. I wasn’t in that discussion but that was definitely used repeatedly on this board as an example of why he needed to go. It’s been so long I forgot.

Then they can have the good sense or the decency to leave me the hell out of the conversation with the people who say that. Additionally, I never said all one has to do is reason about it. I’ve had my friends get the shit kicked out of them by racist skins at local clubs. Each time it happened, I wanted to go after the next skinhead I saw with a hatchet. After I allowed myself to calm down, I realized what a baaaad fucking idea that was. Emotion fucks with you and clouds your judgement. You have to get past it to deal with something effectively.

That’s a huge problem here.
People remember their nice interactions with Clothahump or Shodan or Bricker and they don’t remember, or never read, the truly heinous things they wrote.

Indeed. Revisiting what Clothahump spewed, I’m ashamed I didn’t say more/anything/whatever. I remembered the “wetback” thing, being pissed off about it, but I don’t recall storming the castle.

Yet another reason that omnibus pit threads are value added to this forum. Easy reference catalogue for the worst acts by the worst actors.

I didn’t say you did, I would have though the “nice guy” phrasing would have clued you in that I was referencing another specific poster’s statement in this thread.

But hey, nice obviously emotional reaction to what you thought was having words placed in your mouth. Now if only you had the empathy to project that reaction onto others with way better reason to be emotional.