LA Times protecting Obama

I’m afraid that your link only led to adverts when I tried it but I’m sure that it was incredibly interesting.

Now what are your views on candidates who are so bankrupt of any workable policy ideas that they have to resort to unsubstantiated smears on their opponents rather then explaining why their policies are the best?
Another question for you,how good a POTUS and VP do you think that candidates who allowed these tactics to be used in their campaigns would be in office?
How trustworthy would you consider them to be?
And how honest when speaking to the electorate?
My final question is what would your moral evaluation be of the people who actually used the unsubstantiated smear tactics in the first place and what sort of person do you think would vote for somebody based on these tactics?

I await your reply with mild interest.

Have you READ the thread?

Sounds like the L.A. Times BROKE THE STORY, as opposed to covering it up to protect Obama. And they probably refused to write it without any evidence from their source, which the source provided on the condition that the contents could be written about but the tape itself not be released.

You can actually read about the contents of the tape in the original article that was published last April!

Explain to me how that article “protects” Obama.


Well, that clinches it. They’ve convinced me that Obama is a terrorist. My suspicions have been confirmed :rolleyes:

McCain is such a piece of shit. Can’t we just scrape him off our collective shoe and move on? He’s beyond redemption, both as a politician and as a human being.

Last night on The Daily Show, they showed a clip of McCain talking about this at one of his rallies. As soon as he brought up Khalidi’s name, the crowd booed. What a piece of human garbage McCain has become. Nobody can tell me that he’s not pandering to racism and xenophobia at this point.

Fox News is still pounding the shit out of this. They just had Joe the Dumber on ranting about it. They’re still going shamelesly with the lie that Khalidi was a spokesperson for the PLO, and they’re still making no mention at all of the fact that McCain funneled money to Khalidi’s Palestine Center.

I usually don’t watch that “Fox and Friends” show. Is it always this retarded? There’s not even the slightest effort at balance, fairness or even basic accuracy. Those are three of the dumbest people I’ve ever seen in my life.

It does in this country.

**MEBuckner **got an “A” in Terrorism 101 and Terrorism 102? OMG!!!

McCain’s campaign keeps trying the same tactics over and over again, and they just aren’t working. The SJ Merc shows Obama leading McCain in CA by 22%. Now, it’s been pretty clear that Obama was going to take CA for quite some time, but 22%? That hasn’t happened since FDR. Even Reagan (former Governor that he was) didn’t do that well.

This stuff is so rich. A significant portion of the GOP establishment seems determined to hitch their wagon to a pair of semiliterate cardboard cutouts. Laws-a-mighty. Is this what long-term exposure to Fox News does to people?

What bothers me about this stuff is that given his own connections to Khalidi (and also to ACORN), McCain can’t possibly believe what he’s saying. When he says Obama doesn’t have the experience, has the wrong ideas about defense and negotiating with Iran and the wrong strategy in Iraq and things like that, I am sure McCain believes it. This stuff is considerably lamer, and much of the public seems to have acknowledged the same.

I can think of other, more plausible reasons.
[ul][li]The person who made the tape might not have been authorized to do so and didn’t want to get in trouble.[/li][li]The person who gave the tape to the Times may not have been authorized to do so and didn’t want to get in trouble.[/li][li]The person who made the tape imagined it had financial value down the road and didn’t want the Times releasing it.[/li][/ul]

This is vague, so I’m not sure what you mean. But I think it’s been established that they accepted the tape from the source on condition that they not release it.

More crap from an increasingly desperate GOP. Jeez, I used to actually respect McCain. He’s doing himself no favors by these kinds of ridiculous, unfounded cheap shots. History will not be kind to him.

No it won’t, but like Obama, McCain had choices. Obama decided to stay above bar in the mud slinging, and *decided *not to take public financing. Any idiot can see he has run a superb campaign. McCain included. But until the final ballot is cast, McCain will continue to be the evil GOP candidate with a pitbull who where’s lipstick by his side. The only person beig written into the textbooks will be Obama, winner or not. Right now, I don’t see how he won’t win. Last night’s broadcast was brilliant!

Yes I did. I like the part where it says Obama is more receptive blah blah blah “than he is willing to say”. Seems like a curious media would want to make him say more than he is willing to say. Haven’t seen much indication of that.

The article says only what a pro-Obama writer wants people to know about the dinner. Not putting out the video is what is protecting him. If it were anti-McCain I’m sure it would have leaked out some how.

When come back bring something other than wild speculation, insinuation and completely made up shit.
I guess you are outraged that the NAVY is apparently protecting McCain from a homicide charge.News Orgs Investigate Possibly Fatal McCain '64 Car Crash | HuffPost Latest News

At this point, is there any functional difference between what the McCain campaign is doing, and simply picking Arabic names at random and alluding to Obama’s connection with them?

Now I want to start a pool for the next “irrevelvant baseless accusation I’m actually much more guilty of, but maybe the librul media won’t figure out this time” McCains going to barf out of his lying mouth. I’m going with

“Senator Obama, through his own recklessness, personally destroyed several million dollars worth of essential, state of the art, military equipment during war time”

Ah yes, the unprovable “if something else happened” assertion. Debate over, What the … !!! wins. Certainly nobody in the Scooter Libby case took their confidentiality promises seriously. It’s not like anyone went to jail for it.

Great. I now await a demonstration of your premise.