Ladies - your birth control method for unruly periods

Being off birth control is not going to fix PCOS. Birth control is, in point of actual fact, one of the few things that improves the symptoms of PCOS. So for anyone who is having similar problems, your advice is the total polar opposite of useful.

It’s sort of an old-school contraindication. The fear is uterine perforation, which is quite rare. If you are going to an experienced gyno who has done many of these, it shouldn’t be a problem. I do not have children either and I’m on my second Mirena. The installation can be excruciating because of the cervix dilation, but it only lasts a couple minutes and you’re good to go.

I would highly recommend it, but, as always, YMMV.

FUCK! Fooled by a zombie thread. : face palm :

Why, oh why, do I not look at the damn posting dates before I post?

I started on the pill shortly after getting my period as a teenager, due to severe cramps. The cramps were so debilitating that I would miss almost week of school every month. Being on birth control stopped my severe cramps almost completely.

I take Depo and it works for me. No idea if it would help anyone else. If I had to go off it, I’d get a hysterectomy. I’m heading towards 50 and I am done with this monthly bullshit.

I was diagnosed with it over a year ago and came off birth control. Lost my vision for a couple months and then got two major kidney stones from the diamox. Haven’t been well physically since. It’s like I constantly get sick in many ways. I had to go back on birth control because it is the only thing that works (pills). I only had two periods in five months in between, but spoke to my doctor and she said that I could maybe lessen the risk of having IIH problems due to birth control pills by taking an aspirin with the pill every day. I seem to be fine now (with the IIH). No major problems or even smaller ones. Not saying that it works for all but if I could I would go off all medications. Unfortunately life in my case doesn’t work that way. :pensive:

Mirena is a godsend for me too. I’ve lived with 9 day long periods, heavy flow for 3 days of it, pre-menstral cramping that lasted a week and made it impossible to sleep and I always got a migraine the first day of my period.

Birth control pills never worked for me and 4 years ago I got the Mirena. The insertion was a bit uncomfortable, but I haven’t bled except for trace amounts, my cramps have completely disappeared and I very seldom get a migraine and if I do, it’s not crippling debilitating pain like before.
I have one year left on my Mirena and I’m close to menopause age, but me and my doctor agree when she removes the old one, we will put a new one in right away then maybe menopause will happen without me even knowing it.