Lasers in my prostate; very effective. TMI, you betcha.

Have you ever had stitches with a local? You can feel the thread tugging, but it doesn’t hurt. I was less aware physically than that.

I wasn’t exactly…serious, there. Maybe that was my reaction because if a needle is going to go anywhere I can’t see, I freak. If it’s in my arm, I’m cool. I don’t know why. Also because while a probe up the penis doesn’t sound fun, I don’t have an equivalent. An ass, I have.

Given the alternative, I’d go ahead to. Chances are someday I’ll have to have something awful done to my girly bits. All I ask is for the good drugs first!

Doctors can do some cool stuff.

While I was posting to this thread, I kept hearing Paul Simon singing, “Lasers in the jungle…the boy in the bubble and the baby with the baboon heart.” Like he said, “These are the days of miracle and wonder.”

I had a malignant tumor removed from my bladder about 4 years ago. I have to have the “silver cadillac” three or four times a year, I don’t look forward to it, but it beats the alternative* all to hell.
(*having another tumor go undetected)


I saw a billboard ad for this today (featuring a happy smiling older gentleman) and wondered what it was about.

And now I know.