Left-wing bloggers are just as mad as the right-wingers are at the MSM


Ah, second GD thread in a row where I get to point out you’re a liar.

You’re a liar.

Except as a rightful tool of those in authority to keep people in line.

Oh, and Weirddave? If you want to respond to something I said in one GD thread, the appropriate place is either (a) in that thread, or (b) the Pit.

No, very few people care what a random internet person with a blog thinks. Caring about someone like that is like caring about what Ward Churchill thinks.

But we’re not talking about random people with blogs; we’re talking about those who’ve been able to build a following. The three people I quoted, one’s on the conventional airwaves, and the other two are pretty well known in Right Blogistan, and show up on the blogrolls of people you have heard of, such as Michelle Malkin.

Are you speaking, perhaps, of this thread, where I went on posting a bit longer than you, and where every single thing you posted that can be classified as an assertion was either false, opinion, or meaningless?

Sorry, who? (I’m not joking). :confused:

Wikipedia to the rescue.

For some reason, some people seem to care a great deal about what Ward Churchill thinks.

(I’m reminded of G. Gordon Liddy and Timothy Leary doing the college lecture circuit together in the '80s . . .)

From that link:

An epiphany by Mr. Horowitz? :slight_smile:

Y’know, maybe you ought to back off from making personal observations about other posters in GD. (Yeah, this time your target had participated in the thread, but your comment is still not pertinent to the discussion and is out of line.)

[ /Moderating ]

Chastisement acknowledged.