Lekatt: kindly piss off

fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
Uff da, that feels better.
Sorry, I was involved in this thread for quite sometime. It’s been going on for about a month and a half now and Lekatt still just doesn’t get it. YOU FUCKING MUST FUCKING SHOW FUCKING EVIDENCE (AKA PROOF) FROM FUCKING REPUTABLE SOURCES BESIDES YOURSELF. FOR FUCK’S SAKE. (I really wanted to use the word “bloody” instead of “fucking” but I can’t pull off a british accent).

Yep, lekatt is a dope. Probably a nice guy and well-intentioned and all that, but still a garden-variety dimwit.

Humans became humans something between one and five hundred thousand years ago. Superstition, with belief in supernatural forces and magic, was the rule of the day. Every now and then, we came up with a useful invention, but progress was agonizingly slow.

Then came the Enlightenment, and people began to figure out that the scientific method was a much more efficient and effective means of figuring out how the world works. Since that time, in the last, say, three hundred years, we’ve seen an expansion of knowledge and an improvement in living quality that is ridiculously out of proportion to the thousands and thousands of years preceding. What’s more, this explosion of understanding shows no sign of slowing down.

Only a fool would put his faith in the worldview that left humanity stagnating in darkness for endless millennia. I feel bad for lekatt as an individual that science is painting him and his cherished fantasies into an ever-smaller corner, but I shed not a single tear on the issue for humanity as a whole.

Lekatt-Is involved in a number of different train wreck threads. Although he doesn’t listen to any sort of skeptical evidence I do find that he is generally polite.

The one thing that urks me in this Train wreck is that for a while he was saying that the posters “hated” him and (IIRC) were insulting him, when nothing of the sort was going on. Sure we doubted psychics, but we weren’t mean to lekatt (IIRC).

From that thread, he thinks cold reading doesn’t exist, even though people admit to doing it? I could see (but vehemently disagree with) someone who might believe someone like John Edward isn’t doing it, he at least claims to be real. But to think that cold reading doesn’t exist even when people admit to doing it? This is bordering on mental disorder.

Meatros cites the train wreck thread. I wish Lekatt would quit posting to that one. If it died, we could try to communicate with it from beyond.

Actually, he has been very polite and I’ll give him credit for that. The part I think he may have taken issue with was on page 2 where TwistofFate said “Arse”. It could’ve been directed towards so many other things, Lekatt though, did take it as an assault towards him. Such is online communication. TOF got the verbal spanking from the mod and that was it.

But yeah, it’s a very frustrating debate, one side using verifiable proof, the other using personal experience.

::wonders why the “Don’t Be a Jerk” Rule doesn’t extend to people who post for the hell of it and don’t entertain serious responses. At least, in GD or GQ.::

Oh, I see stpauler actually put it far more eloquently than I did in an earlier post. I would only add, “BLOODY FUCKING HELL!” I actually think the South Park episode explaining cold reading is sufficient proof that it’s crap until some real evidence is adduced.

But if they were, that would be the best idea for a gay porno ever.

The difference, I think, is that Lekatt really, truly believes he is responding seriously. The troll typically reveals in the end: “Ha, Ha! You thought I was serious.” Lekatt is serious. He appears not to care when his cites are faulty and his writing murky. He, after all, Knows The Truth, while those who point out errors and inconsistencies in his statements are the Evil Meanie Skeptics.

No matter how thoroughly his arguments are debunked, he keeps arguing that not ALL psychics can be proved wrong, so obviously there are real psychics, therefore all of you skeptics are big meanies.

I don’t think Lekatt is polite at all. I find him to be opinionated, obstinate, disingenous, sarcastic, condescending, misinformed, and suffering from a martyr complex. And the worst thing is that every time he spews his hateful diatribe against reason and knowledge, he has the gall to sign his post with - Love, Leroy. You have a funny way of showing your love, Lekatt.

Well, I’d say it’s technically true that one cannot prove all psychics to be fake. There’s no way to prove that John Edward is not using a psychic ability. Since the reults he gets are perfectly consistant wih cold reading, anyone with a grain of skepticism knows instantly he is a fake, but that’s not proof.

Lekatt’s nearly unforgivable ignorance is the belief that cold reading does not even exist, even though people have demonstrated the technique publicly.

It took him THIS long to garner a pit thread? He’s gotta work on that better. btw, is The Thread in the running for the longest GD ever?

I agree with you. This is another point of frusteration involving Lekatt

Umm, lekatt, has been pulling this schtick on the newsgroups for about eight years now. It’s gotten to the point where posters on usenet just ignore him. He pops in every now and then to drop some platitude or talk about his website. In those eight years he’s never been able(as far as I can see) to take serious criticism. He continually decides that people who haven’t had NDEs don’t, and can’t, understand. People who have had NDEs that didn’t agree with his interpretation of the experience he pronounces false Scotsmen.

Basically, he’s got more stamina and practice doing this than most people on this board might realize. I’d advise you to ignore him. As much as it hurts to let ignorance go unfought, it’s just the best choice in this situation.(IMHO) Remember, ignoring him isn’t the same as validating his position.


Wow!!! Admittedly, I haven’t studied lekatt’s posts in much detail - one only needs to skim a few of them to get the drift, and tune him out - but I, like you, would have guessed that he was much, much younger.

Belief in UFOs, psychics, NDEs, and so forth usually pops up in adolescent males, around 13-15, when they seem to be “discovering” the world. Spooky stuff intrigues them, and they lack sufficient life experience and judgment properly to evaluate the outlandish claims of the John Edward and Erich von Daniken types. Usually, they grow out of it, helped along by experience and education.

It’s pitiful to encounter someone who’s managed to get through over five decades of living without picking up any clues.

lekatt on the Thread That Must Be Killed. “Inner”? That is such bullshit. Another way of admitting that you have no proof.

He goes on to ask for cites, on page twenty fucking two, or something. Stop the insanity!

WOW. Such hatred directed at someone so spiritual. If you’d ever had a NDE, then you’d know!!

C’MON people. He presented all the evidence! The skeptics have been thoroughly debunked! Everything you need is right there, if you’ll only open your minds and hearts. The dead are trying to reac…


I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I must have been channeling one of Leroy’s ancestors.

Guys, lekatt has 186 posts in that thread as of this moment. He also believes that if you pit him it means he “wins”. I can see some catharcic value in this thread, but it’s pretty clear he’s not going to stop. It is even more clear that he’s not going to change his mind on much of anything.
