Let's Have a Frank Discussion on Race

No it doesn’t either. There is a very strong correlation between race and violent crime. There is no country with a higher black population than the United States with a lower rate of murder and rape.

By that definition I am a racist, but then so are most Americans. I really do not care.

I believe that genes are the primary determinant of human traits, and that these genes vary between the races.

Thailand has a much, much, much higher “Oriental” population and lower black population than the U.S. (both in gross numbers and as percentages), yet it has almost double the per capita murder rate. This does not seem in keeping with your claim.

whoops, double post

You must be joking. What are non violent drug offenses? So blacks that are arrested for drugs are dealers rather than simple possesion? You came to that one sided conclusion without data and now require someone to prove you wrong.
I hope you can see what that indicates of your attitude. Had you spent a minute or two reading the posts you’d have found this from the larger this Lot’s of data in there. Knock yourself out.

I looked at the charts again. Zambia has a lower rate of rape. My earlier statement about correlation stands.

So you admit you are a racist? Why then are all pissed off when people call you on it?

Genes vary between every “group”. That doesn’t tell us much other than that we are not all identical. You are confusing race and genes. They are not the same. Again, even assuming they were, what makes you think genes are the primary determinant of human traits when there is much evidence to the contrary?

and you believe this based on what data?

This is what else I learned about Zambia:

We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Zambia because of the risk of serious criminal activity.

Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media for information about possible new safety or security risks.

You should avoid large crowds, political rallies and demonstrations as they may turn violent.

We advise you to reconsider your need to travel to the border areas with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Mozambique because of the presence of landmines near these borders.

The level of HIV/AIDS infection in Zambia is very high.


Much of Africa is not well-off by international standards. This is not news to anyone. The question is whether this is for genetic reasons. What evidence indicates that it is?

I believe it on the basis of constants between the races.

It is a hypothesis that I am confident will soon be proven as more is learned about he human genome. The obvious failure of No Child Left Behind provides impressive evidence for The Bell Curve.

Nice try. You either didn’t look at the charts, or are unwilling to stand behind your original statement. You said:

This is not true, nor is it simply a suggestion that such a thing is a correlation. Particularly since you openly assert a causal link. You also decided to move the goalposts by using the US as a basis of comparison rather that letting your statement on race succeed or fail on their own merit. If you think being Black means you have a genetic disposition to crime, you would see high(er) crime rates everywhere there are Black people. That is clearly not the case. If you wish to assert their is some geographic determinant involved, that would suppose a link to culture and environment rather than genes (as you seem to be saying).

Let’s look a the murder rate for Zimbabwe. Their murder rate is surpassed by several majority White European countries (and a couple Asian ones). WRT to the rape rate, Zimbabwe is surpassed by Canada (among others). Please provide a cite for you claim, or admit what you said is false?

The standard of living of every black African country has declined since the end of colonialism. Haiti has the longest history of a black majority country. It also has the lowest standard of living in North or South America.

Point out one, I mean one, black majority country that is well run with a low crime rate and a thriving economy.

Why are you so confident this is the case? You seemed to be confident a second ago that Blacks everywhere committed more crimes, yet, that did not turn out to be the case. Let’s think about this for a second. I think you agree that the vast majority of people who study these things for living disagree with many of the statements you’ve made. What are they not seeing that you (and a few others) are?

Do you know what NCLB is? Do you understand the typical complaints people have about the initiative and its implementation? Statements like this just indicate that your ignorance is not limited to genetics.

Thank you for those links. I still want to know what percentage of people are in prison for possession of illegal drugs for personal consumption.

What matters is that blacks have a much higher rate of violent crime than whites.

By Randi Weingarten Posted: January 12, 2010
Randi Weingarten is president of the American Federation of Teachers.

What have we learned from the **No Child Left Behind **Act? In a word: lots. Unfortunately, most of what we have learned shows that while the law’s mission of creating high standards for all children was critical, its focus on stakes (the faulty emphasis on tests) and sticks (punishing schools in need of help) hasn’t strengthened public education

And after years of living with and working under the law, the simple truth is that it has not achieved its stated objectives, its flaws outweigh its goals, and funding for it never approached promised levels…


I am not surprised that the president of the American Federation of Teachers thinks more money should have been spent. What matters is her acknowledgement of failure.

Depends on how you define the above terms. What do you think of the following countries? Brazil, Antigua & Barbados, Anguilla, Gabon, etc.

Follow along here. Your statement was as follows:

How does what you quoted relate to your comment? Why does the failure of NCLB provide evidence for The Bell Curve? How are they necessarily related?

Also, do you care ot comment on any of the other things I asked you about, or provide any proof or evidence for your claims?

According to NationMaster.com the murder rate for Zimbabwe is 0.0749938 per 1,000 people per year. For Canada it is 0.0149063 per 1,000 people per year. I have acknowledged the high murder rate of former Warsaw Pact countries, and attributed it to social dislocations following the fall of Communism.

This is what I also found about Zimbabwe:

"Crime is a serious problem in Zimbabwe, driven by the country’s depressed economic conditions. Street crime in Zimbabwe is a serious problem. Americans and other foreigners are perceived to be wealthy and are frequently targeted by criminals who operate in the vicinity of hotels, restaurants, and shopping areas of the major cities and tourist areas such as Victoria Falls. Although the majority of crimes in Zimbabwe are non-violent, perpetrators are generally armed with weapons, which can include firearms. The downtown sectors of Harare, and its high density residential suburbs, are particularly high-crime areas and a number of American visitors have been assaulted or robbed. Reports of armed, residential burglaries in upscale residential areas have increased. "

No Child Left Behind assumes that every child can do well in school. The Bell Curve explains why that is not true. The failure of NCLB confirms what The Bell Curve explains.