Lisa Marie Presley. Really? {Died: January 12, 2023}

RIP Lisa Marie

I believe Lisa Marie did lead a very troubled life. Living in the shadow of an iconic, pop culture game-changing father, and losing him at a young age must have been quite difficult. I always felt sad for her. And now I feel sad for her children.

I was never an Elvis fan, like my older siblings, but I always appreciated his phenomenal singing voice. And, there’s no denying his impact on rock & roll and pop culture.

She looked awful. She could barely walk and was pale. She looked like she was either sick or on drugs.

Weakened heart from drug abuse, perhaps?

That’s a very real possibility. She probably had an autopsy, and it will tell us.

didn’t that come out inconclusive? … at least v1.0 of the autopsy (I assume there are var. “tiers” of autopsy?)

They will have to wait for the full tox screen to come back, and that can take weeks, or even months.

I don’t remember her being large enough for bariatric surgery. Was she, at some point?

By real-world standards, no. By showbiz standards . . .

She may have been, and used clothing and camera angles to disguise her weight (Vince Neil tries to do that when he “performs” nowadays, for example).

Anyway, this is yet another example of why bariatric surgery is NOT the easy way to lose weight.

This is apparently her before the bariatric surgery, tho you can’t prove it by me. Doesn’t really look like her, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before,

Bariatric surgery is NOT the easy way to lose weight, and if it turns out she was using Ozempic or something similar, oh boy. (If the doctor looks familiar, he’s the brother of the late Quiet Riot singer Kevin Dubrow.) The story is inaccurate in that 30 INCHES of her small bowel were necrotic when she arrived at the hospital; most people don’t have 30 feet of small bowel to begin with.

A friend of mine, who had been a large man prior to gastric bypass surgery, died very suddenly a few years ago, from what were likely very similar complications. He went from perfectly fine, to feeling discomfort, to deceased in the span of just a few hours.

Nope, Dr. Dubrow was right - she had 30 FEET of necrotic GI tract, which indicates that (grossout alert warning) her gut was DEAD and she must have been terribly sick for some time before she sought medical treatment.

One of my friends had lap band surgery many years ago, and more recently had a volvulus, where the intestine twists on itself like balloon art. She had 8 inches of small bowel removed. The really awful thing is that she was in a nursing home, for postop rehab after another procedure, and was vomiting bright green bile for several hours before anyone on staff thought she needed to go to the hospital!