Live in a red state? Dealin' ok?

Every one of their answers is legitimizing my point, though. People aren’t getting into brawls or having issues do to living in the “wrong” party’s state. Thus it’s a stupid question asked by someone who doesn’t have experience living in a civilized society.

I mean, I’m not sure if you’re from Ontario or not, but the current leader there is kind of a Trump-like idiot. People seem to get along there. Most of them. But there’s the occasional immature person who sees an anti-carbon-tax sticker and thinks that it’s the end of the world. So my legitimate question is challenging your maturity level: do you get triggered over something so stupid? Because well adjusted adults don’t worry about this stuff in the real world, and you seem to think that we’re not a society of well adjusted adults.

I’m happy that the other posters are legitimizing, in your parlance, my inquiry into your social maturity.

Odd - I don’t recall any drooling for brawls, do you?

I guess you’ve missed the posts, then, about the fear of posting stickers on cars, or signs on lawns, along with other posts expressing anger and nausea.
And sure, while the majority of the posts do in fact mention that’s it’s really not all that big of a deal, then I guess the following question has been answered:

Oh but I LOVE anti-carbon tax stickers; 75 million Trump supporters - not so much.

RE: Trumpoids - sure, might be your doctor or fireman, ostensibly “well adjusted” pillars of society, but who, nonetheless, in their Trump support, belie some very problemmatic issues toward the general commonweal.


Both of you, please dial it back on the personal attacks. Address the argument without making slurs against the poster.

No warnings, only guidance.

Ohio is red (or is it purple?) but I live in the blue area, red-adjacent (the outskirts of Cleveland and Akron). What’s really scary to me, and my friends, is that anti-maskers are out in FULL FORCE running for local school board elections. Like, they only decided to run because they don’t want mask mandates in school. Three dudes are running on that. Well that and “anti-CRT”. The thing that sucks is that there are 3 of them and only 2 other normal/voteworthy candidates for 3 seats. So we’ll end up with at least one of them.

One of the dudes is a racist homophobe. The other pulled his kids out of public school because they had to wear masks, and also said the schools shouldn’t take state money if there is a mask mandate (but is also against local school levies). I dunno what the other guy’s deal is but he’s aligned himself with those two yahoos, so thumbs down from me.

Also our Republican governor got all the peoples riled up because he was making good science-based decisions at the beginning of 2020 and isn’t MAGA enough. And everyone is trying to put out Texas-level abortion legislation. So it’s a clusterfuck from the top down. And then there’s Josh Mandel running for governor, the MAGA-est of them all.

I fucking love Ohio, tho. Just some of the people in it are…not my kind of people. (Like my dad, for instance. Ugh.)

When my mother isn’t banned from Facebook, she uses some very, very ugly language when referring to Biden and Harris. She would have slapped the hell out of me as a child if I was referring to Harris with some of those names.

I live in big red Arkansas. There weren’t a lot of political signs in my neighborhood but Trump outnumbered Biden by a lot during the last election. I went camping last October and stopped by Jasper, Arkansas to pick up some food at a local restaurant and I was the only one with a mask on. They had a sign on the door that read, “If you don’t have a mask we’ll assume you have a medical reason for not wearing one. If you see staff members without a mask assume they have a medical reason not to wear one.” There was a statewide mandate to wear a mask at the time.

I work in HR and we’re dealing with the fallout of our vaccine mandate. I’ve had the pleasure of sitting and listening to people complain about the vaccine, tell me their conspiracy theories, and talk to them about the religious exemption form they submit. “No, I’m sorry, but not wanting the vaccine because you don’t trust it doesn’t count as a sincere religious belief.” On the flip side, when faced with the prospect of losing their jobs, most people who threatened to quit are getting their vaccines.

I ran into a neighbor on one of my walks the day before the election and he said something about supporting Trump and I told him I was rooting for Biden but I was polite about it. I saw him on election day when I was on another walk and greeted him and asked him how he was doing. “Bad! I’ve been watching the election results” but he was friendly enough.

I’ve never been or felt threatened by any of my neighbors. But during the January 6th uprising, I started to wonder how long it might be before some of my neighbors get violent with those of us who didn’t support Trump.

Also not a MAGA hat to be seen here in Kentucky, which went strongly for Trump but also elected a Democratic governor.

You can go to the supermarket, get gas, eat at Red State BBQ or shop for feed and ivermectin at the Rural King without encountering any right-wing harangues.

A miracle, it is.

I deal with MAGAs on a regular basis. I can usually just politely sit as they rant, and they seem content with that, not looking for me to agree or even acknowledge them. I hear all the horror stories of how Biden is turning us into a police state, while also abolishing the police. I hear how the doctors are killing people by refusing them Ivermectin. I’ve heard all about how the election was stolen. It’s actually a somewhat uncommon day that I don’t hear a lecture on the evils of the Democrats, though usually referred to in less polite language.

2012 was the last time I felt comfortable putting up a political sign (actually one of my roomates did, but I gave him permission). I lost a few acquaintances over that Obama 2012 sign. Since then, I’ve been concerned about vandalism if I were to put up a pro-Democratic sign, as my neighborhood is littered with pro-Republican signs. I was seeing Trump signs all the way through December, though most of them did disappear around the 6th of January.

Last year, I was confronted by a MAGA hat wearing man with his wife and teen/adult son (I’m assuming relations anyway) at the post office over my long hair. He asked me if I was a liberal fag. I tried to ignore him, but he kept on making comments at me. When I went to leave, he worked to corner me and I ended up basically running out the door to my car. There were post office workers there who witnessed this and said nothing.

I do not feel comfortable wearing a mask, as it draws unpleasant looks, and usually go without unless I’m going to be in a really crowded place.

The people are nice, as long as they think that you are one of them. They are shitty as hell to anyone that doesn’t agree with them, though.

And just as soon as I wrote my post above, here’s an article from the Akron newspaper about the craziness in local school board elections…

Your Kentucky experience is vastly different than mine. I live just outside of Louisville, in Oldham County.

I live in a red county in a blue state with a Rep governor. I regularly drive past a yard that has a picture of Trump hugging the flag - OMG - really? A little farther down the road, someone hung a “Trump Won” banner, but it was soon sprayed over with black paint.

In general, it’s pretty easy for us to avoid political BS hereabouts, mostly because we tend to keep to ourselves. We avoid engaging in any partisan conversations since they never change anyone’s mind. My husband deals with it a bit more because he’s still sorta-working with Navy employees and contractors, and they tend to be more right-wing. Once he completely retires, that should no longer be an issue.

Huh? So you’re a Ford supporter but think people who live in areas with 51% of Trump voters (of whom 10% actually like Trump rather than vote the party ticket) are distinct? I mean, Ford is Ontario’s Trump…

Sure, my sarcasm bombed, and, not to mention, a double bad, on my part, for stating it in opposition to the concluding qualifier.

In small town Tennessee…
There are people like those mentioned before. I can live with them.
Also situations like:
In an introduction meeting at the beginning of 2020 with someone who wanted to work with me on investing money he said thinks like:
The economy is great because of Trump.
The economy will continue to improve if Trump is reelected (implying it won’t if Trump loses). But, don’t worry about it, because Trump will win.
Covid (which had just come to the US) will not have any impact - don’t worry about it.
He did not get my business.

Our Board of Supervisors election this fall includes a long-time presumably Democratic incumbent that I like but I think it’s time for him to go because of a few things he consistently votes for. He has a challenger who I would almost automatically vote for because he is somebody different, but he decided to run as “John Smith, Republican for Board of Supervisors.” Why does he need to be a Republican to run for local office? That’s not normal here, most people just say “Independent” if pushed.

I pulled my money (albeit not a huge amount) from one of my investment accounts in the summer of 2020 when my advisor said that when (not if, but when) Trump is re-elected the market will continue to grow. I told him that I didn’t need to hear his political views, and my money could grow with a different investment firm.