Living off the fat of the land.

Is that known as Rabbit Fever in the vernacular? Cause I’ve heard of it really throwing ER docs for a loop–they just don’t think to ask if you’ve been eating wabbits, let alone if they were roastin’ as opposed to fricasseein’ wabbits. Is mixomatosis a problem as well?

We built a shelter from palm fronds and snot to protect us from the relentless Santa Ana winds, which would periodically ravage the island. [/Hillary Flammond]

(Er, sorry, couldn’t resist. I’m just in that kind of a mood today.)

In my granny’s cookbook, she says that if you want to get a rise out of a Southerner, tell him “cook possum with Irish potatoes!”

Congrats, swampbear. You passed the Southern equivalent of the Princess and the Pea test. :wink:

SOkay I can see using lard, skins, hides, and bones but what do you use teeth for?

I made rings out of the eye teeth of an elk I shot. You can also make earrings, necklaces, or decorations to add to knife sheaths or bladder pouches or clothes or hats. All can be sold for a profit, to buy other useful things.

There’s no sense wasting any part of an animal if you’re going to kill it.

Yupers, AKA rabbit fever=)

Mix can be a problem, but you also need to be aware of worms…they get parasitic worms in the summer [primarily]. Like I said, be careful about bodily fluid contact when butchering the critters=) in general farmed bunnies are pretty safe with respect to the parasites as they should get deqormed liek a kitten when they are young and arent generally in contact with feral bunnies.