Lost 2.23: "Live Together, Die Alone" [Season Finale] Open Spoilers

I can’t wait! The bad part is that my usual Lost buddies aren’t watching tonight because they’re busy - they’re taping the show. So I can’t discuss it with them until later. It’s going to kill me.

Thank goodness I have you people to share with!

I’m pretty sure the pneumatic tubes go… to that big pile of pneumatic tubes that we see in the previews. I envision this pipe just shooting them into the pile. Sending anything up that tube is as useless as pushing the button every 108 minutes.

BTW, I heard a rumor that Desmond’s

backstory is explored during this episode, and that he has a strong connection to Libby.

My “Lost” group is planning a huge feast tonight, with lots of very good wine. We’re such nerds about this, but we don’t care!

Random thought… Is this the only weekly TV episode discussion thread that can actually get to page 2 before the aired episode even starts? :wink:

Not that the Lost threads always do that – but just curious whether any other show’s threads ever came this close to it.

Can someone remind me what TCM stands for?

Tree-Crushing Monster!

So do we think the smoke monster and the tree-crushing monster are two different things?

“It’s a security system. It’s purpose is that of any security system.”

Different manifestations of the same thing.

No, but there’s also the speculative, but never seen, Pissed-Off Giraffe (POG). :wink:

I don’t remember this quote, was it from season one? I missed most of the last half of it.

It was from CFL when she took Jack et al to the Blackrock. She was explaining to them what TCM is, or at least what her understanding of it is.

Which reminds me… this is something to soooooo pisses me off about this show. How can they not have given CFL the absolute 3rd degree about what she knows about The Island? She’s been there 16 years and they barely have a single question for her.

It was from the first part of the three part season finale (season 1) – “Exodus Part 1”. Spoken by Danielle Rousseau, when she was leading the small group to the Black Rock (to get the dynamite).

TCM scare in the woods, and Kate asked what is that thing? Rousseau says it’s a security system. (to protect the island).

And you win the prize for page 2!! I wish I was on east coast time. I’ve still got 3 hours to go… Gotta sign out so I don’t get spoilers. Have fun, guys!

So, does Jack have a waterproof gun or what?

Yep – Desmond!

Desmond David Hume??


And by the way, whoever was arguing with me that Desmond’s accent is Irish and not Scottish…


Jack: “Black smoke, huh?”
Sayid: “This time, they will know that we are coming!”

So that was Jack’s ex-wife with Desmond, right?

I’m not so sure – they were both blonde, but I don’t think that was the same woman.

Libby! as a reddish-head? A master of disguise?

Hurley: “Did that bird just say my name?”
Sawyer: “Yeah, it did. Right before it crapped gold.”

And Michael is a little trigger happy. Good thing that gun wasn’t loaded. The bird was just flying through, no reason to blast it. Now Michael is suspicious…