LOST: Season Six 2-Hour Premier 2/2 (6.1/6.2)

ug. carcharodon carcharias may be rearing its head. this seems like it has the potential to get a bit OOC.

So much for running back to help Sayid, who’s bleeding out. Everybody’s focused on rubble-clearing instead.

Hurley still sees dead people. And now Jacob is among them.
Ah, we’re gonna see the Temple?!

Ah, so Charlie looks like he has died in the “fixed” timeline.

Bizarro Charlie ODs in the bathroom!

So are Bizarro Nikki and Paulo on the plane? If so, what are they up to – philanthropic works?

Or Charlie makes it.

Dude!! So is Esau the smoke monster? Or did he just summon it? Obviously the ash circle is to keep the beastie at bay.

Wait, why wasn’t Juliet at the bottom of the deep hole she fell into?

So take Juliet to the Temple, too. No, Sawyer would rather snarl at Jack.

Charlie’s “I was supposed to die” seems a little prophetic.

Yep, I thought that too. Even “the hatch” (Swan) was deeper than that, going down the topside entryway.


We have one group that includes everybody, who safely land in 2004.

Jack, Sawyer, etc. still on the island in 2004 + 108 days or whatever.

Sun and Frank in 2007.

Is that right?

p.s. Dickhead Jin is back - boo!

When Bram and Iliana got to the island earlier they saw that the ash circle had been broken at Jacob’s cabin.

Esau is the smoke monster, that’s why he said “sorry you had to see me like that”.

Where did Desmond disappear to off the plane?

So where is bizarro world Claire, still in Australia?

Ummm…I was guessing that the Jack group is on the island in 2007…also? Like…an alternate one that Ben is on also?

I have no idea.

Are people and things disappearing from the “fixed” timeline?

Chill out Sawyer. Juliet chose to help Jack’s plan – her decision.

The airline lost my dead dad!

Into the arm-ripping temple tunnel!


What was that? A…temple?

p.s. Snarky Miles - yay!

these are the Others living at the Temple?

Looks like an Aztec pyramid or something. So looks like some Others are here, while Richard and other Others are at the foot. They should be at the same time now, by the way (Re Oslo Ostragoth’s question), because when Jacob appeared to Hurley, he said “I just died an hour ago”.