Lovecraft Country S1 [SPOILERS within]

“Quite rare”—very possibly. But ‘entirely non-existent’?

As an example of what I see as pandering: the scenes of white neighbors looking disapprovingly at the multitude of vehicles arriving for Letitia’s housewarming party. In reality, wouldn’t most neighbors look askance at a noisy party----no matter the races of the people involved?

But the show, pandering away, depicts the whites as vicious bigots who ‘naturally’ react with breaking-and-entering, to be followed, one assumes, by violence against the virtuous.

This, again, may seem like ‘turnabout is fair play’ to a lot of viewers, and I can understand that kind of reaction. I can empathize with it.

I’m just refraining from applauding the divisiveness. We’re seeing so much 'the races are distinct and can NEVER get along’ propaganda from the Kremlin and its allies, now, that I can’t welcome more of it from HBO.