Lovely! They found I have a tumor in my kidney!

I was thinking of going for singing “Kidneya, my lord, kidneya” after all this is over…

I kid you not (or perhaps kid nou yot…?)

Sounds like you have the right person for the job - best of luck and we look forward to hearing how things went on the other side of the procedure.

I hope everything goes well and that you have a speedy recovery!

Best of luck to you. I have learned things on this thread (so there’s that), and it sounds like you’re in the right place with the right team.

Keep us posted! (Or we’ll just bug Nava)

This certainly must be tough news to take and I doubt that anyone here would have any idea just how tough unless they have experienced something similar themselves or a close relative has had that experience.

One thing you can be thankful for is that for some reason, the Creator decided we only needed one kidney but gave us two. I sure do wish that I knew and understand the reason for that.

It may help you to actually try to take a moment every day and express some thanks to the Creator for giving you two kidneys and for giving you this tumor in an organ that is not vital for your life. I’ve been told that people often feel happier if they spend a few minutes every day giving thanks for two organs when they only needed one to live.

Would anyone here care to venture a guess why we were given two of the following organs when we only really need one:

Lungs, Kidneys, ears, eyes, testicles, ovaries, etc.

Can anyone think of any other organs that come in pairs but of which we only need one?

Regardless, I hope everything works out well for you. Good Luck!

Well, pretty much every bit that goes with bilateral symmetry, but I’m guessing having only one side of the mouth would be a bitch.

Not just MRIs- physicals, period. Getting "checkups’ when you have no symptoms is rarely a good idea and have more or less been dropped from any evidence-based guidelines. The docs love them because they make money off them, but the patients don’t benefit.
Here, the OP is going around saying this a great thing, but most likely if the MRI hadn’t been done the tumor would have started to cause some flank pain in a few months to years, it would have been caught then, and nothing at all would have changed. Huge tumors are almost always benign and are not life-threatening. Plus, please note that the contrast agent commonly used when performing MRIs can cause serious kidney damage.

I hope all goes well! And report back when possible. Good luck, JoseB!

I already had had some flank pains for a while, but I did not think they were important. They were not particularly bad, and it is only in retrospect that I see that it was likely related to my kidney.

I am still happy that I decided to do this check up. I looked at it as akin to the “5 year tune-up” for my car. I still consider it money well spent. YMMV.

This is a warning to you for trolling. Stop posting these types of posts. A simple “I’m sorry” or “I hope everything is okay” will suffice in the future if you really want to show support.


I just got off the phone with JoseB, who asked me to post an update. It’s a good thing drugs don’t transmit well, or I would have had to go home in a cab… he had surgery on Tuesday and is now back home. One of the things the doctors discovered during the preparation process is that his immune system is depressed (I could have told them that, but asking me isn’t part of the protocols), so they sent him home ASAP with a bottle of nuclear-strength happy pills. The surgery involved going in through his femoral artery and injecting something into the tumor that’s expected to kill it dead.

He will need to check with HR to see how much more paid medical leave he can take, and of course there will be check-ups and so forth, but hopefully this will be the only surgery needed.

Glad to hear it. Hope everything goes well.

I’m happy the surgery is over, and that he is doing well.

This is good news. Thanks for the update, Nava. I’ve been wondering how JoseB was getting on. Please send him my well-wishes!

Sending healing thoughts! I hope this is all he has to endure and that he has an uneventful recovery.

Excellent news. The best of luck.

Whew! Glad he’s doing okay. :slight_smile:

Oh well, thanks Nava, those are good news. Send my best wishes to JoseB!

Best wishes to him. Please keep us posted.

Weeelllp, this is an update on this subject.

I had a CAT scan done the other day, and today I went to see my urologist. She told me that the tumor is back. The procedure that they carried out in June was apparently not enough to completely “kill” the thing.

They will have to operate again. Oh well – hopefully now they will be able to do it faster than last year!

Will keep you all informed.