Mafia: The Conspiracy

And you, of course, will be part of the mason group, won’t you?

D&R :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh. What the hey, I’ll throw my name into the mix.

I’d like to sign up. Hopefully I’ll get Internet this Tuesday at my new apartment. The game won’t start before then, will it?

The game starts on the 28th.

As Rysto, said game starts Friday the 28th, players chosen and roles assigned on Wednesday the 26th. I wanted to give everyone time to digest the rules before jumping in.

I go out of town the 29th and am out until the 2nd. If that’s a problem, I won’t play, but I’ll try to get on every day to at least read the posts and respond with something quick and cursory, even if it’s just an “I’m here, guys.”

I’ve been reminded.

I’ll be unable to post on the 9th, 11th and 16th of October (well, probably), and will have reduced access on other days between those times.

Family obligations.

If that’s a problem I’ll take a spot on the sub’s bench.

Not that hard, I did it with M2 and M3.

Good luck to all playing, I am sitting this one out (no time to really play), but will be following with interest.

I really, really wish I could get back in…I miss my Mafia game something awful! However, I’m taking too many classes and it would be really irresponsible. My regrets. I’ll be watching, though. Have fun!!

Missing a few days here or there isn’t game-breaking. Prolonged absences are the problem. Substitutions are very bad–I’d like to avoid them completely. In this game especially, where evaluating every Player is important (when everyone has a power Role), subs cause too much disruption. I’m more likely to mod-kill.

Because of how I’ve set up the Days, missing a weekend isn’t catastrophic (in fact, I will be much slower to respond on weekends). So, Drain Bead, you’ll only miss the middle of the Day. As long as you post some on the 28th and then before the Day ends on the 3rd, there’s no problem. And MHaye, I don’t see a problem.

I’ll sign up.

Interest heavily expressed.

Alrighty, I’m in… with the forethought that weekends are generally difficult for me. But me thinks I makes up for that during the week, yes?

I have a couple of questions:

So, just to be clear. If the Vigilante kills someone at night, and then the next day that victim’s “side” is revealed to be town, the Vigilante MUST kill him- or herself that night (if s/he’s not already been killed some other way). And the only “reveal” that counts is the one that comes from you (Pleonast), not some investigation or other role. For example, if the Vig kills a Freemason known to other Freemasons, the Vig is not obligated to commit suicide if the living masons come out and say “Hey, he was one of us!”

As far as I can tell, the only purpose of the zombie is to pad the numbers of the undead to help with their win condition, yes? And zombies cannot be killed again, right?
And finally, are we to assume that there will be no identifying of who killed whom? For example, will werewolf victims always have their throats ripped out? Will vigilante victims always be shot, or somesuch? I’m assuming no, since this game seems to be heavy on the mystery :cool:

In previous games, they made it clear when townspeople guessed wrong or right (whether they killed another townsperson or a werewolf). I think without that reveal, it would be a little…too mysterious!

I read that as, if you kill a Townie then you must kill yourself 2 nights later.

Would the Vig’s self-kill be doc-blockable?

(or witch blockable… but doc-block has such a zesty ring to it)

Rysto has it right. An example sequence:
Night 1: Alice the Vigilante kills Bob the Witch.
Day 2: it’s revealed Bob is dead.
Day 3: it’s revealed Bob is Town.
Night 3: Alice kills herself.
Day 4: it’s revealed Alice is dead and Bob is a Witch.
Day 5: it’s revealed Alice is Town.
Day 6: it’s revealed Alice is a Vigilante.

Only the moderator’s reveals count, because everything else is potentially a lie.

Zombies are destroyed when the Necromancer is, although it won’t be known immediately. Since dead Mafia players on the SDMB have a habit of haunting the living, I figured to make it an official part of the game.

You got to figure out who killed who for yourself.

And, Zoggie, yes, it will be very mysterious. The delayed release of information helps the scum hide their deceits. And also makes it hard for the scum to know which Role they killed.

The Vigilante only needs to kill herself if she actually kills another Townie. Attempted murder is not a problem.

Edit: Doh! I misunderstood your question.

Yes, the Vig’s attempt to kill herself could be blocked. But she’ll keep trying until she succeeds. Very interesting.