Major battles/events of WWII NOT given cinematic/TV treatment?

At his age shouldn’t that be the flying saber tooth tigers?

This is the first thing I thought of.

If they landed here with the intention of doing ANY damage, I’m not surprised they were hung.

There was a two part German mini-series on the Wilhelm Gustloff produced in 2007 called simply Die Gustloff.

Leningrad aka Attack On Leningrad.

Trailer for Attack on Leningrad [2009] - Gabriel Byrne and Mira Sorvino grimace their way through nasty Nazis and nastier Ruskies.

No, I never saw it either.

I did think of the Thin Red Line but that was only partially a war movie and partially I don’t know what the fuck.

From Here to Eternity

Nothing on the Allied Submarine campaign in the Pacific and Indian Oceans?

Run Silent Run Deep
Destination Tokyo
Operation Petticoat (still counts :D)
Operation Pacific
1941 (it did have a sub)

Ach, Loach beat me to all the US submarine movies.

I feel like the Japanese Navy hasn’t really had much screen time considering their importance in the Pacific War. There’s been a few great movies from the perspective of the Japanese Army, but I can’t really think of the navy being in any other than as the antagonists in various American films.

I would really like to see a recreation of a very deadly, interesting and weird battle that took place in Manila as part of the bigger one, at a baseball stadium. The 5th and 12th Cavalry regiments of the United States army had to deal with a lot of deadly stuff coming from left field. And a very foul line.

“We slugged out with them, with no cover.”

“No game today”

There was a 2005 Japanese movie, Yamato about the (as you might guess) battleship Yamato’s final mission.

I’ve only seen it in bits and pieces—first becoming aware of it when I saw a music video someone had made, using clips of the film, and “Unicron’s Theme.” Which, in respect to the Yamato-class, seemed quite appropriate.

Also, it’s post-war, but the story of Japanese Surrendered Personnel who were pressed into combat service with the Allies, securing the various colonial holdings in asia, might be interesting—apparently, one Japanese Major was recommended for the DSO by the end of '45!

There’s Tora! Tora! Tora!. This 1970 movie about the Pearl Harbor attack attempted to show both sides equally.

Pavlov’s House. I see from Wiki that a movie was made of these events somewhat recently. Still, I think this story could be the next Saving Private Ryan if done right.

I’d like one with Adolf Hitler as the central character from the Munich beer halls up to his death. The closest one just covered pre-ww2 starring Robert Carlyle (The Rise of Evil, 2003.)

I’m not aware of anything significant on the Malayan Campaign (or the Fall of Singapore).

Downfall covers his last days pretty well (seriously, it’s a great film).

The Battles of Narvik (1940)

I finally saw it recently. I hadn’t wanted to because I love Wings of Desire so much, and didn’t want to see sweet, gentle Bruno Ganz play Hitler. Which he did, brilliantly.

I honestly think he should have received an Oscar for his performance as Hitler, but sadly it doesn’t seem to work like that.

The sadder thing is when you say “You should see Downfall”, so many people say “Isn’t that the film with Hitler ranting about his Xbox Live account being banned?” :smack: