Agreed. A bit of cart before the horse. I still do ~10% of batches with dry malt extract. The can’s of liquid malt extract are fine as well.
to add. I resisted all grain brewing for years because I was intimidated by the process. Brew in a bag is pretty easy and doesn’t have all the hassle that a traditional mash tun and sparge method.
I highly recommend the lightest dry malt extract you can get, then use steeping grains for whatever recipe/style you’re shooting for.
My local homebrew store sells me a 50 or 55 pound bag of DME for $2.50 or $3.00 a pound. YOu can mail order but have to pay shipping and cost ends up about the same so I like to support my local homebrew store.
I started extract only, then extract & specialty grain for a long time, then moved into all-grain with the ubiquitous rubbermaid coolers and a Phil’s Phalse Bottom.
I did several batches that way, and then ended up going back to extract for a while, because I rarely have the time to mash/sparge, and modern extract is pretty good stuff, especially if you up the flavor profile with hops and/or specialty grains.