Man tells Cheney "Your policies in Iraq are reprehensible." SS arrests him.

For this administration, par for the course. I wonder what they’d do if you stood by his motorcade route and gave a two handed arm pumping one finger salute?

Someonme tell Sean Hannity. You know dam well he’ll be talking about Clinton if the Cheny incident comes up. No Wait…even if he knows he’ll ignore the facts and lie through his teeth. Tell Colmes! No wait…he won’t be allowed to bring it up. Tell Oberman.

C’mon, you left our war profiteering via Halliburton, and that’s MAJOR!

How does that guy Colmes look himself in the mirror in the morning? He’s being used like a prison bitch being swapped around for cigarettes.

They were probably worried that the guy had gotten his hands on Cheney’s phylactery.

I commend your subtle RPGgeek reference, Sir (or Ma’am).

The article itself refers to the court case, and it is obvious that the arrest was made by police authorities of The City of Chicago, not the Secret Service. Belive me, we leftists have been using the word “stormtrooper” with respect to the police of Chicago for many years. I am surprised you never heard it. Or perhaps it is your own selective memory working.

It was still wrong, of course, as the courts pointed out.


:smack: You’re talking about a story from 1996, dumbshit! Senator Palpatine wasn’t even introduced as a character until 1999! Try to keep up!

This is just one of those “what were they thinking” events. I mean, seriously, how on earth could they have thought this was the right thing to do or that any “good” could possibly come from arresting this guy? It just makes no sense. It’ll be interesting to follow this story and see what the Secret Service offers up for a defense-- I can’t even imagine what that could be.

As a matter of course, I refuse to listen to anyone’s political opinions until they demonstrate a working knowledge of Star Wars.

Uh, no, he was a character in the originals as the Emperor, and anyone who read the backstory knew he used to be a Senator, and then Chancellor.

However, IIRC, mostly back then you were supposed to compare Clinton to Nixon. Duh.


“Star Wars” was released in 1977, and introduced the Emperor by name. He then appears in “The Empire Strikes Back” in 1980, and appears again, played by the same guy as the Episode I-II-III guy, in 1983. In case you were not closely following the movies, the “Emperor” is Senator Palpatine. He gets promoted. It’s the same character.

1983 was before 1999. The way years are numbered, the larger numbered years come after the smaller numbered ones; so, in this case, 1983 comes before 1999. So, the character was introduced for the first time in 1977 by reference, and actually appears for the first time in 1980.


I merely used that abbreviation because of the space limitations in a thread title. Of course, if the guy had been arrested by the German SS he would never have been heard from again. Still, it does make you think . . .


So there.

Like this?

However, Palpatine, up until Phantom Menace, is portrayed as your basic, evil, take-over-the-world villain. We know nothing of how he got into that position. He has nothing to do with politics. Calling someone an “Palpatine” would be basically calling them evil.

When we get to Phantom Menace, though, and through the next two films, we see another side to Palpatine’s character; a wily politician who consolidates his power by manipulating others and by claiming a war as an excuse to grant himself “emergency powers”. It is this facet of his character which is being compared to with regards politicians nowadays.

To sum up; you couldn’t call Clinton a “Senator Palapatine” because to do so would be to just call him an evil guy; unlike nowadays, when a reference to Palpatine brings to mind evil as well as dodgy politics. It’s the same character, but there are different attributes associated with him now than there were then.

Wow, that was geeky.

Very! :slight_smile:

But the first three SW movies released never gave the emperor a name. AFAIK. (I have never seen and refuse to acknowledge the “Greedo shoots first” cut of A New Hope.)

Why do you hate the Empire?

No need for you to apologise. I know regular Americans are jolly decent chaps*, as I had a wonderful time with 25,000 of you at a roleplaying convention in Wisconsin a few years back.

It’s just a few politicians that are dragging the US name into the mud. :rolleyes:
*this English slang includes both male and female chaps. :slight_smile: