March 15th Ohio Primary - all offices

Why and why? Just curious.

In Franklin County, it looks like incumbent sheriff Zach Scott is losing. He came at the king and missed last year, so this was his punishment (he ran for mayor of Columbus against the outgoing mayor’s hand-picked successor, so the old and new mayors ran ads against him).

Hillary is far more electable than Bernie and is better than, and closer to my views than, any of the GOP field. I’m still troubled, though, by the State Dept. email controversy (the idiocy of setting up a private email server given her experiences with the Ken Starr investigation; her deletion of hundreds of emails without any public oversight; her discussion of classified information despite the lack of security); her oft-repeated Brian Williamsesque lie about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, and her suspiciously good overnight fortune in commodities trading. She has little to show for her four years at State other than Benghazi, even if she did nothing wrong there. She did not come off at all well in the widely-respected 2008 campaign book Game Change. She has a non-zero chance of being indicted. If Bill cheats on her again, a presidential divorce would be a huge distraction. She bungled the healthcare reform project early in the Nineties and by now has enough accumulated suspicion and bile among the Congressional GOP that I wonder just how much she’ll be able to accomplish.

My wife is from Vermont and I’ve followed Bernie’s career for some years; he’s a self-righteous, Johnny-come-lately-Democrat who probably won’t remain one after this year if he doesn’t get the nomination.

Unlike in 2008 and 2012, this will be a “lesser of two evils” year for me.

In the U.S. Senate race, Sittenfeld is younger than former Gov. Strickland, a more energetic campaigner, seems smarter, is more pro-gun control, didn’t dodge debates, and can’t be saddled with a meh one-term governorship. Strickland won anyway: Ted Strickland has won Democratic primary for U.S. Senate -

And it bears repeating - Ohio pollworkers are the best!: Cleveland poll worker pulls out gun during argument at polling station -

So the candidate you’re “meh” on won, and the candidate you’re excited about lost.

That sounds like a glass a quarter full…

Guns? at a polling station? :confused: