Matt Gaetz being investigated for sex with 17 year old girl (DOJ declines to charge 2023-02-15)

There oughta be a law!

Wow. Couldn’t disagree more. How could they ever testify against him if they refuse to speak his name? :innocent:

“He Who Cannot Be Shamed”?

13 months later, IOKWARDI

15 months. What is taking so long with this investigation??

According to Politico, they’re planning to go forward with sentencing against Greenberg in August.

Sentencing happens after the Feds have 1) drained him dry of information, and 2) verified that he didn’t lie to them in any of that. So they’re, presumably, still in phase 2.

My guess would be that they try to grab as many people, all at once, as they can so that it can be one trial and so that you can start working to cut deals with some of them to rat out others. Maybe they have Gaetz in the bag (maybe not - there’s still the chance that he’s largely innocent, in theory) but they’re still working to lock down other accomplices to certain acts.


To recap, Matt Gaetz claimed that women in favor of abortion rights are “too fat and ugly to be impregnated”.

A reminder that Matt Gaetz had to pay someone to bring him women from another state to have sex with, apparently because he’s so repellent he couldn’t find any women in Florida who would sleep with him.

GOOD. This pleases me.

Which, I know it’s no use trying to apply logic to the rhetoric of a QOP conspiracy loon, but this has always struck me as almost too self-evidently stupid to be credible even for Matt Gaetz.

I mean, if it were actually true that only women “too fat and ugly to be impregnated” cared about abortion rights, then THERE WOULDN’T BE ANY ABORTIONS, see?

All of us fat and ugly (and in my case, postmenopausal! for extra safety!) chicks would be over here fretting about the right to abortion access but totally secure from unwanted pregnancy. And all the hot chicks would be over there risking impregnation, and occasionally having an unwanted pregnancy but never trying to get an abortion, because they don’t want abortion rights in the first place, according to this assumption.

So, if the only people who care about abortion rights never get pregnant, and the only people eligible for impregnation never want abortions, then WHO EXACTLY DOES MATT GAETZ THINK IS HAVING THOSE 600,000+ ABORTIONS PER YEAR IN THE US??

Sorry for yelling at you like you’re Matt Gaetz, but the sheer oblivious cognitive dissonance is maddening.

And, speaking of Matt Gaetz…

I am shocked, shocked to learn that pardons were being tossed around by the President’s allies on Capitol Hill.

Gaetz is criticizing Kevin McCarthy and says Gym Jordan should be the new chairman of the Republican caucus.
No, Matt, Gym only lets sexual assault go when it’s boys.

Every time I see a bump to this thread I am anticipating that an indictment has come down, and every time I am extremely disappointed.

And now I’ve just done that to someone else…

That’s literally why I just read this thread again. :pensive:

Parents are asking why a local Florida school is hosting Gaetz even as he’s being investigated for child sexual abuse.

This is the answer.

A local resident, Karen, whose niece is in the Okaloosa County school system, and who asked for anonymity because she lives in a very conservative area, was frustrated with what she saw as a double standard;

If they picked a name out of a hat to maintain anonymity, I wish they’d picked again.

This story “broke” on reddit (I’m assuming the Karen in question is the redditor who has been posting the updates there). It seems that the superintendent is nonplussed by the whole affair – either he thinks the allegations are baseless (seems likely, given the area) or he doesn’t see what the fuss is. At the same time, for kids wanting to go to a service academy, sucking up to Gaetz is one of the few options on the table, and it seems problematic to shut that down.

The real problem, of course, is how Gaetz is still in his position. If he can’t be put in a position where he might have a power imbalance over a 17 year old girl due to a credible allegation and an ongoing investigation, then he’s unfit to be a congressman. Maybe the supe will see this at some point.

Not the words I would have chosen here…