McCain Offends Spain, or Foreign Policy Genius My Ass

Being unprepared for an event he had knowledge of beforehand seems to be just as bad…worse, even…than just plain not knowing the correct name of the leader of Spain.

I’d be offended if I were spanish.

Plus, Spain fought with us in Iraq, then Zapatero took the Spanish troops out. It was kind of a big deal at the time. If McCain is hanging his presidential cred on his understanding of the war in Iraq, you would have thought that detail would have stuck with him.

He’s the poster child for forced retirement. Jesus…he’s pathetic.

Just to be clear, the interview was out of a Miami Latin radio station, owned by the grupo PRISA from Spain under the label of Unión Radio. It was being simulcast in Spain by Cadena Ser (see my prior link)

Some of the comments of the readers at El Pais, for those of you that speak Spanish, are simply hilarious – others of course, don’t find it so funny. I simply remain astonished that such a clueless politician could become the next leader of the Free World.

McCain elude decir si se reunirá con Zapatero de llegar a la Casa Blanca

Thanks for the english RedFury. Man, that was tough to listen to. He really had no idea who Zapatero is. Seemed to just assume it was some guy in South America. Hopefully he pulls this in the debates, since this surely won’t get traction with Wall Street dominating the news :frowning:

Probably right about it not getting much traction. At least Time is talking about it. The writer suggests that it’s possible that McCain did know who Zapatero was, and really meant that he wouldn’t commit to talking to him. Either way, not a banner day in foreign policy.

But don’t you think he should? Seriously. I’m asking.

McCain’s problem is not that he’s old, or stupid, or anything like that. The problem is that he never lived in a place that was near Spain.

Maybe he just didn’t have time to have someone look it up on the internet and email it to his wife so she could print it out on a real piece of paper for him.

Honest mistake.

For 5-1/2 years, McCain couldn’t look at a map! Is it so surprising he can’t find anything, even a clue?

There is no “should” on the Right anymore. There is only “win at any cost”. It’s not like the Republicans have had a soul to lose for a while.

And just look at his back-up! You know, the one who’ll take over if/when the dinosaur kicks it. Ooops, dinosaur: not a good word in the McCain/Palin camp. Then we’ll all see real cluelessness in action.

Freak show. The GOP is running a frickin’ freak show–and ‘conservatives’ don’t even care.

Wow, that was cringe inducing.

Maybe Palin shoudl have done the interview.

Why, can she see Spain from Alaska too?

At least he didn’t insist that Spain was Sweden.

With this kind of diplomatic skills, his Commander in Chief skills may be given a showcase.

No, but McCain was quoted (in a pretty funny piece by Chris Kelly) as saying:

Except that Palin’s son Track is in the Army, not the NG. And children are not an issue in this campaign.

Well, McCain looks to be going the route of, “I knew who they meant, and I don’t want to commit to having a meeting with him.” I mean, come on, you can’t be too cautious with those NATO members. The Washington Post reports:


Do you honestly think John Q Public is better served with a chief executive who needs a cheat sheet to master the basics of foreign policy?