McCain's consession speech

McCain did give a good speech. if he had displayed that part of his personality during the campaign I may not have voted for him, but I’d have a higher opinion of him. His concession speech was the the one thing I think he did that was presidential.

Palin, though…she isn’t worth too much consideration. Did you see her smile when people booed Obama? Amazingly, at least to me, I was called out for pointing out that McCain’s rabid supported were sore losers.

I don’t like the divisions we made between ourselves in politics so I can pass it off as the heat of the moment.

Before I read any other responses, I want to say that it was incredibly classy. McCain is a good man and I feel (I’m a woman and proudly feminist) that if he had picked anyone else besides Palin, he’d be the president elect now.

i.e. Sarah Palin skeers the fuck out of me.

I agree it was an excellent speech and the crowd behavior was classless. What struck me was that he had no facial tics, no bizarre expressions or goofy looks on his face. He spoke from the heart and for the first time in many months, was free of his mishandlers and the lies they made him tell. If he had acted as presidential in the campaign as he did in conceding, he may have won. With a different veep of course.

A good man would not have behaved as he did in the campaign. He remains a cantankerous old panderer who put his own ambition above either decency or the good of the country. Some pretty words after he’s lost cuts not a sliver of ice.

Fuck McCain. He chose to hire the goons that ran his campaign. He chose to court radical evangelicals with his VP pick. He chose to ignore 527s that ran smear ads.

He reversed himself on every position when he found it politically expedient to do so. He ridiculed and then stole ideas from the Obama campaign. He mocked Obama for being a community organizer — the very skill that ended up crushing his presidential bid. He tried to tear the nation apart so he could wedge himself between us.

After all this, he delivers an empty speech lauding himself for his humility. And he won’t even let Palin speak. Fuck McCain.

I’ve got to concure with Liberal - though maybe not so vociferously - but The yhad the same amount of opportunity Obama had to stay on issue and not to get all down and dirty. I understand Palin was told to march out there and talk about Ayers so McCain didn’t have to do it. I undestand McCain chose the people to run his campaign. But he could have chosen more wisely and he decided not to. He could have marked his campaign with courage and dignity by not following the playbook of past gop candidates and he didn’t. I liked McCain, but I do not feel the slightest bit sorry for his loss. Clearly - the people chose the man who ran the better campaign, honestly, I don’t see how any GOP could have won against Obama.

Yes, the speech was classy. But when the crowd started booing, I couldn’t help but think that HE (much like Hillary before him) created that monster. And the monster can no longer be tamed. And one classy speech can’t change that.

As I just mentioned in another thread, yeah, I couldn’t agree more. It’s like somoene took away to Model 2000 McCain and replaced him with Folger’s Crystals (and that’s unfair to Folger’s – my apologies), and THEN brought back the 2000 McCain to give the concession speech.

The good news is, IMO, we will have a President who has given more than 50% of the voting population HOPE.