Men Rule - The Treasure Trail Appreciation Thread

Your eyes?:wink:

Me too. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to stand looking in the mirror :wink:

Ok, I’m a happily SO’d woman, but my GOD is that man sexy.

Thinksnow I appreciate you for your mind but your big manly body doesn’t hurt either. :smiley:

I’ve got one of those “trails”. One of my old girlfriends used to call it “the rope”.

On the contrary; it feels quite nice;)

[sub]I feel like such a schoolgirl…[/sub]



cute li’l fuzzy navel, thinky

makes up for the light trail :slight_smile:

Is no one going to mention the Butthole Surfers song “Hairway to Steven”? (Say it out loud; it’s a spoonerism.)

I have a wicked hairway to Steven (with a different name for Steven, ahem), but no chest hair at all. Well, about once a year I’ll get a chest hair, but after a few weeks I pull it out. Last year I got one and I left it totally alone, thinking maybe I’d become like a Yeti if I left it, but after a couple weeks I guess it fell out on its own. Some of us are just born for SPF 2000 I guess.

Oddly, I have a patch of dark, curly hair (i.e., body hair) on the back of my right hip, but that’s another story.

Hell, I’ve got a keg!

So I suppose a treasure trial that starts below the neck and spreads down to the toes is right out?


At least there are people in Brisbane that appreciate a body like mine…

raises hands

Yes, I do like me some treasure trails. I’ve got one. I’ve got a - well, not a gut, but a bulge, sort of, which sort of removes the sexiness benefit. Also, being Scottish, it’s very diffuse and covers basically everything below the navel. Oh well.

My man has a furry belly, and likes having it stroked. The nice thing with hair is that you can stroke it so lightly that you don’t actually touch the skin. He also has the deepest belly button I’ve ever seen. It’s almost an inch deep. If I stick my thumb in it, he goes all zonked out. It’s somewhat like the reset button on a computer.

I wasn’t much into hair before this man. I like the look of it now. Hairy arms on a lady are rather attractive, too, in my opinion.

Wow! Uh, thanks, alice!

It occurs to me that we’ve not been to a DopeFest together. Yet…what’re you doing for Halloween? :wink:

Oh yeah- think’s a serious babe.
My SO doesn’t have a six-pack, he’s got a bit of a belly, but I love that little happy trail-
Aw hell- I love everything between his skull and toes.

Damn you, thinksnow, for posting pictures like that!

Or damn me for opening this thread at this time of day, while my kids are awake and I can get no privacy…:wink:

Sorry, Pers. You’ll want to stay away from the second link I’ve posted here, then. :smiley:

No. Not the “Got Malk” photo. Not that. Please. I haven’t had an coffee yet. My heart can’t handle it. :eek:

thinksnow buddy…

You sport a serious resemblence to that WTC tourist guy. :wink:
Oh yeah, I’ve got a treasure trail, too. But its a little more like a 8 lane freeway as opposed to trail.

[sub]well, at least I don’t have a hairy back…[/sub]

Mrs. RickJay refers to it as the “Happy Trail.” So we seem to have some disagreement as to the appropriate nomenclature.

Don’t matter now I guess…everyone’s just talking about Thinksnow.