Men who dance. (Ballet)

“Maybe it’s a Soviet-era thing” was what I initially thought, too, but the modern guys, even the currently performing NYC ballet guy, are obviously “larger than they would be if they were wearing a dance belt”, so they’re wearing some kind of cup. And unless Mangeorge caught some kind of vintage 1960s/1970s era performance on tape, I would assume that he saw a “modern day” dance troupe doing its thing.

…with enormous bulges.

Ok, check out the dude on this page: Link. He has thighs like beer barrels. Imagine those two thighs swishing past each other as he swings his legs around. Imagine what might get caught between those barrels. Imagine the look on his face as he plummets to the floor. Thump! whimper.

Might be a good idea to keep things up and out of the way.

Well, I don’t have any personal experience with dancers, but I do hang out with boys who wear leotards/bodysuits/tights on a regular basis (goths, what can you do?). I know what I’m talking about.

The visual effect of a leotard on male genitalia is startling. Even moderately-hung men look huge. This effect is greatly enhanced by a flat stomach - even an inch or two of spare girth, and you lose it. Since dancers are generally in fabulous shape, they get the best of both effects.

Obviously, I can’t speak to the troup you saw, but I go to live dance performances regularly and I’ve never noticed men with larger bulges than what I’m used to with my own leotard-clad lovers and friends.

I sure don’t remember which troup it was on that specific night. That particular program simply reminded me of the many times over the years I’d noticed, on tv, in photos and posters, and once in an outdoor performance in the park, how much the guys costumes emphasize their bodies.
Ballet tends to de-emphasize (flatten) the female bodies. This was very apparent in a program I saw (on PBS) about Degas. In fact, his paintings often added curves that weren’t really there. He didn’t paint the men, though. I got the impression that male ballet dancers weren’t much more that props in Degas’ day, but I could be wrong.

From m-w;

Live and learn, huh? :wink:

I’m getting the feeling that a few posters are peeking out of the closet… :smiley:

Yeah, I noticed that as soon as I saw my own post. My apologies, I was distracted by the subject matter. :smiley:


My question would be why don’t male ballet costumes incorporate something like gymnast shorts or close-fitting nylon pants for modesty? It seems like the bulge is necessary to offset the effeminate tights and both end up distracting from the dancing.

I was lured back here this morning by a reply email to find a new reply, and again this afternoon by another. Now both of those replies are gone.
The thread isn’t closed, and the is no explanation by a mod, who might have re-killed this zombie.

There was a reply by someone with a name like “spandexman” or something who posted a couple of spammy youtube videos

if you’ve wondered where that missing sock went, well male ballet dancers and zombies do stuff themselves.

Yeah, that. Then someone else (Roderick Femm?) posted a reply expressing it’s breeder-type disgust. :wink:

It’s a Christmas miracle!

Maybe. The christian god would never do such a thing.

For those who don’t think male dancers are “manly”, tell that to Lynn Swann. :wink:

Holy tights, Spandex Man - this could be a world emergency!

I’ve never been a football fan, but you couldn’t have been alive during that era without being at least aware of Swann and the rest of the Pittsburg Steelers. Much was made of his “other talent”.
Also, we were aware that some NFL players (and other manly men) wore panty hose for warmth.

Where’d donkeyparty’s reply of July14th go? Was it naughty?