Metropolis, Gotham City and New York City

[wonders if JL Unlimited will include Gypsy, Steel or Vibe. What chu think? Turkey.]

Yeah, Aquaman was the leader. How lame is that?

There’s also “Keystone City” in the midwest - somewhere near Chicago, I think, and there was a city of seven million in California named “Coast City” that…well, it’s gone now. Boston, New York, Chicago, LA - these cities all exist in the DCU, just as Latveria exists among all the real Eastern European countries in the Marvel universe.

Here’s an unofficial DC Geography page -

  • can’t speak as to its total accuracy, but good for an overview.

Fictional Town and Cities - Gotham City and Bludhaven (home of Nightwing) are neighbors in New Jersey. Metropolis is theoretically in Delaware. There’s the twin cities of Keystone and Central City in the Midwest - I had thought Kansas, but the page suggests Missouri or Nebraska. Opal City. Star City. Midway City. Fawcett City. Coast City, California. Smallville, Kansas. Gateway City. Ivytown. Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. Manchester, Alabama.

Okay, NYC definitely exists in current DC continuity. (I should’ve remembered that – I just read a JSA collection a couple of weeks ago where they save Manhattan.)

Is it pretty much the same as the NYC in our world – similar population, biggest city in the US? Or is one of the fictional DC cities bigger? Metropolis seems like the likely candidate – it’s big, home of Supes and Lex, and super-advanced technologically what with the B13 upgrades.

Or does NYC still charm the populace despite its non-enhanced status?

Do all the superheroes say “Hi!” when they fly past it?

Yes, and when they come back, they bring Pie.

And supervillians attack it with 1920’s-style “Death Rays”.


In an episode from this past season Chloe says that going from Metropolis and back is a 6 hour trip. Or maybe it was just 6 hours one way. Oh well.

I’ve always thought that Gotham City was DC’s NYC and Metropolis was DC’s Chicago. Then I saw an episode of Justice League where Batman was monitoring missiles launching from near Central City. On the map it looked like they were coming from Chicago.

So if Gotham City is in North Jersey (which explains a lot by the way :stuck_out_tongue: ) I guess that would put Dakota nearby as Static is able to fly there. Then again TV is non-canonical so this whole post isn’t worth the electrons its made of.

-Wolfian, lifetime South Jersey resident

Gotham’s an island, so it’s not a party of the North Jersey I know. So nyaah nyaah nyaah nah nah nah.

-New York/North Jersey resident for life

I’ve never seen any reference to Gotham being an island. It has an extensive dock area and a bay, but you’re the first person I’ve ever seen refer to it as an island. Where did you gain this knowledge, if I may inquire?

And gloat over their conquests by saying “All your base are belong to us.”

I always thought it was the other way around. And, having been to Chicago a few times, I must say that Gotham does have kind of a Chicagoey feel to it.

Actually, it would have made a lot of sense for the DC writing/editorial staff to model Metropolis on NYC and Gotham on Chicago- Gotham would then be the DC universe’s “Second City”, home of their “Second Hero”.

The somewhat-recent “No Man’s Land” story (Gotham gets leveled by a tremendous earthquake) showed very detailed maps of Gotham, and it’s essentially Manhattanesque.

Yeah, it’s the No Man’s Land comics that clued me in. After the EQ, the government blows up all the bridges leading to Gotham, leaving it stranded on the east coast, and declaring martial law. Want me to post a map of Gotham?

I’d like to see that.

Ah. This was well after I was unable to justify the expense of my various subscriptions at the local comic book shop…so I was only dimly aware of the goings-on in the NML storyline. Thanks.

Of course, that means all the talk in the first few issues of Nightwing’s standalone title of Bludhaven being “downstream” from Gotham make less sense now…

Your wish is my command.

One fully interactive map. Click on highlights.

Hmmm…if I’m reading that map right, it looks like Wayne Manor is on the mainland, and not even on Gotham Island. Weird…

Not so weird.
Land on any island is at a premium.

To have a Stately Manor, you need space.

Surely Bruce Wayne could afford that space. :stuck_out_tongue: