Michael Douglas to play Ant-Man

No offense to Michael Douglas, whose stuff I generally like, but I sorta thought he was now about the right age to plat The Tick’s nemesis, The Terror:


The old mentor/middle-aged hero pairing worked for me in Zorro, with Hopkins & Banderas in the lead role, so I’m not too worried here. The older Ant-Man could have been working as a “hero” for decades but only be known as a hero in the bug community, so he’s the most famous superhero in the alley. And as far as getting your hands on an arc reactor, heck, Tony Stark made one in a cave, with a box of scraps. Kids will be turning them in as science fair projects any day now.

I kinda felt that Antman was going to be a bit of a disaster, even with a script by Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, and I’m not a massive Michael Douglas fan, but this just somehow works for me. Suddenly I’m quite interested.

I also heard a rumour that Antman would be a heist movie, which with Edgar Wright directing, just sounds great. I love the way Marvel are spanning so many genres.

Let’s not forget that Hank Pym’s first appearance was as a non-super-hero, in “The Man in the Ant Hill” (Tales to Astonish # 27), and he was only later (in issue # 35) made into Ant-Man. Perhaps Douglas will be referencing that story, when showing Paul Rudd his shrinking technology.

I’m already not impressed.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the Avengers etc. one. The other movies are separate mostly because they weren’t actually made by Marvel (or Disney, which is now Marvel’s parent company), and they haven’t been able to get the legal rights back.

Heck, he could be pretty danged high-profile and still be pretty danged low-profile. I mean, if your thing is superstrength and a magic sledgehammer, subtlety kinda goes right out the window – but just imagine someone like, say, Michael Douglas fighting crime in the '90s with the Ant-Man powers:

“Yeah, that little kidnapped girl in all the papers? 112 West Main Street. No, thank you.”

[Hangs up phone]

I want to see Ant-Man vs. The Human Centipede.

Thor says thee nay!

The only Ant-Man actor for me is Garrett Morris.

Sorry, I can’t resist that joke whenever Garrett’s name comes up.

Thor isn’t a superhero, he’s a god. And he’s not a puny god.

Those aren’t mutually exclusive.

I don’t see what’s so funny. There something wrong with being Antman? I mean, what’s the joke? I don’t see what’s so–

In the movieverse, Thor is an advanced alien.

23 skidoo!

I like Paul Rudd, he kind of reminds me of Ben Affleck. Well, that’s not *why *I like him. Can’t remember which one I saw first.

Don’t know much about the character Scott Lang. Wikipedia tells me he premiered in '79, so I should know all about him, but somehow I don’t.

I’m also not sure why Ant Man is getting a movie. He was never all that popular, was he?

Where is my Dr. Strange movie, starring Johnny Depp or someone?

He’s not one of the top headliners, no, but he’s higher profile than Blade, for instance, who’s managed three movies and a TV series so far.

It seems (and this certainly appears to be the lesson that Marvel, in particular, have taken from the success of the Blade movie) that the popularity of a comic character doesn’t necessarily have much impact on the success of its film adaptation. Probably because the vast majority of the general cinema-going public have never heard of most of them anyway.

Yeah I don’t think I knew Blade was a comic hero. I wasn’t into horror/vampire type comics much.

It makes a certain sense since Ant Man was an original member, but then again they tossed all sorts of original canon. I dunno, in the right hands it could be cool. Or a Wolverine solo movie.

Good god, man! There’s more necessary backstory in Identity Crisis than there was in Crisis, full stop. Who’s Dr. Light? Who’s Sue Dibney? What’s with this backward-talking chick? Who the hell is Jean Loring?! I mean, it’s lousy, implausible, syngrafeas ex machina backstory, but it’s necessary backstory.