Mine! Mine! Mine!

I’m just gonna be over here reading a book…

luci – in the bottom picture – Is that you?

See, I’d be worried that even though I wanted to say something like that, it would come out as “God but you’re a useless cunt!”

His name isn’t Smeagol, is it? “Nasty brideses and groomses. It’ss ourss! It’ss our Preciouss and we wantses it! Wicked! Tricksy! False!”

I thought that they said “Mate!” They were Australian, after all.

Was it Maggie Simpson who spent the day at Ayn Rand Daycare?


He’s not quite that subtle. It’s more like: “NO! Mine! Give it! Nonononononononononono! STOP IT! I HATE YOU!” :smiley:

Shit, now I have to go watch ROTK again. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue: .


This is my problem right there. I was afraid if I said anything to the mother it would include the words “bitch”, “dumbass”, and/or “goat-feltcher” (I love the SDMB).

I told Helenette’s teacher what happened (yes, I tattled, so bite me) and she knew which parent I had a problem with before I even mentioned names. Apparently Damien not only walks on water, but also is the cause of the Virgin Mary showing up everywhere including my bagel this morning.

If you can laugh at my lame Pit jokes you must be feeling better.

If I do, will you surrender the stacking blocks? :wink:

Oh lordy. So is the teacher planning to rob Damien’s mother of this illusion? Or is there the lurking threat of a lawsuit?

What in the world did he do? Did he disrupt the ceremony? How old was he?

I’m older and I kinda enjoy that thing now, so, um, what were we discussing?

This daycare is very big on privacy and wouldn’t give me any details, but I got the feeling there is a conference in this mother’s future which will lay out the consequences of continued jackass behavior. Which will keep me from having to “lay out” the mother next time she talks to my child in that way.

Y’know, I actually almost feel sorry for mom - in about 10 years or so when the kid’s in junior high and is uncontrollable, maybe even getting into legal trouble, she’s going to be devastated and bewildered. How could things go so wrong for her little angel? She gave him everything he ever wanted!

Yon can bet your last dollar that every time a parent has an inkling that “Damien” isn’t nice, that the staff know. Damiens are always watched :slight_smile:

You’re absolutely right. When I was in the business the 2 types of children who were the most difficult were those who were never told no, coddled to the point of suffication and those that the only time a parent dealt with them was to beat them. My favorite quote from a father is, “I will NOT discipline my child. It will spoil his creativity.” Yeah, get back to me when you are digging up bail money. What happened to the middle ground in parenting? I know that is just hyperbole, but I seem to see it less and less.

This thread reminded me of one of my earliest childhood memories.

When I was about 4 in daycare, no one wanted to be friends with me (eww! she has glasses! Four eyes! Four eyes!). So one day a group of girls were playing with these mini dolls and I asked if I could play with them. Of course they all told me no and it really must have hurt my feelings because I went and tattled. The teacher came over and told them that they must share the toys with everyone, so much to my dismay (trying to make friends at an early age and all) they all got up and left me alone to play with the dolls. What fun is that? :frowning:

Kids are just ruthless anymore, even these little ones. I don’t know if I can handle having kids, being around other kids will only show me how bad the parenting is anymore. I don’t want my children learning to be hateful and mean from their peers. I think it was Bill Mahr who said a couple weeks ago “when people raise kids that I want my kids to play with, then I’ll have some”. It’s very sad how spoiled and crass children are. But it’s NEVER the parents’ fault, much like Helen’s situation here. :rolleyes:

Good luck! It’s very unfortunate that your daughter has had to learn a lot of things in the past year or so, but rest assured, she will always know you did your best for her.

Maybe. I’m sticking with “Mine!” It’s funnier that way.

See I near pissed myself thinking the seagulls said “Mine, mine”, while watching the film. I found the truth wayyyyy less funny.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOPs!!! I mean I thought they were saying " MATE, MATE, MATE"

I nearly convinced myself that “mine” made sense!

“Mate” was just funnier.

Apparently there’s a fair deal of debate over the mate/mine thing - ‘mine’ makes more sense, but when one individual bird says it (when the fish are stranded on the jetty), it does sound like ‘mate’ - I can’t seem to find an official ruling on this.