Minnesota wildlife is dangerous (MMP... the Sunday Evening Edition)

WOW! That’s marvelous!

<gasp> I think I have repetitive motion disorder or whatever it’s called. My right arm hurts like hell.
I am done (almost) with the front hall–I want to go get some silver paint to crumple on the slate blue paint–believe it or not, I was in a bathroom the other day that had this wall treatment (except for it was sage green, not slate blue) and I loved it. I KNOW it sounds weird/awful, bear with me.

Need to go to the craft store to get the paint(I asked at HD for the silver paint and Athena pointed me to the Rustoleum. Aye yi yi).
Tomorrow I must dedicate to financial aid and grad school stuff. Wednesday is work, Thursday is more painting, Friday is work. Saturday is soccer (yay) and gardening; Sunday is packing kidlet for camp. Monday is off to camp for him and prep for mtg that I’m chair of on Wednesday.
I liked it better when I had no life.

: pout: **kidlet ** is what my sister used to call me; she was 15 years older than me, and she passed away in 1981 of a brain tumor. :frowning:

AWWWWWW Rosie. Feel better. It’s hard to lose a sibling. I know cause my younger brother died four and a half years ago.

Cool story about the ring Bookie. By the way, LTNS… welcome back to the Cool Kids.

I trust everybody has learned not to mess with the gooses. Except for FCM. The gooses have learned not to mess with her. :smiley:

Mika I think [del]Geicos[/del] geckos are jake. They’re not geckos, but I have two or ten lizards (one never knows just how many) living around my back porch. I like 'em cause they eat skeeters and other assorted buggies I can live without.

Glad everyone liked the goose stories. And good to know that I’m not the only one who’s had goose problems.

Boy, this actually having to do work at work thing is good, but doesn’t leave a lot of time for posting. I’m still here though, even if I don’t post as much any more!

hey taxi - what’s the count down to the wedding? you didn’t get married already, did you?

HEE! When Taxi and KeithT get married, then KeithT will find out if a Minnesota wife is dangerous. :smiley:

Ah! Okay, for those of you who didn’t see my post at the very end of the last MMP, I am alive, and I made it to Panama City on Saturday despite missing a connecting flight. I don’t have internet access during the day at my job this summer, so I’ll try for early in the morning and of course when I get back to the house. Of course, my evenings are like as not going to be just as busy, since right now I’m about to head out again to whack some golf balls. I’ll fill in more details later. First day was surprisingly productive.

I’m picturing Spats in a bright yellow golf shirt and green plaid pants out for a round of golf. :smiley: Hint: When they talk about wedgies, they do not want you to yank up on their shorts. Just so ya know.


Clicky smiley!

Bookkeeper, so happy for you that you found your ring. I lost mine almost a year ago, and since it didn’t turn up in the move, I guess it is really gone.

Anaamika, you poor girl, all my sympathies. My in-laws are from a different culture than mine, although I lived in their village for five years and understand it, it still doesn’t help when the older generation males try that dominant stuff around me. Particularly when they get all handsy. I simply cannot imagine taking a vacation with them, you are a good woman!

I like geckos, my #3 daughter’s skink recently passed away and she has been bothering me for another reptile/amphibian. I am trying to distract her with the promise of a kitten.

swampbear, I sure hope the stupid geese don’t have that kind of communication power, although we don’t get too many setting down here on the island. We did get The Bears Are Out And About On The Road System notice, and I am now debating the wisdom of putting that layer of stinky fish heads and carcasses at the bottom of my new raised bed.

Deer are dumb ** taxi78cab,** I witnessed this fact on the one deer hunting trip I went on with my husband. To keep it short, we were hunting from a skiff, and as I was operating the kicker, my husband was standing in the bow shooting at the three young males on the beach. With every shot, they came closer to the edge of the beach, and we kept getting closer to them. Finally he hit one, and as it dropped, the other two ambled back toward the woods, looking back over their shoulders at us.

Muffin, I’ll take a Kodiak bear over a goose any day, In my experience the bears would rather get as far away from people as possible. Geese are just belligerent, I only like them with dressing and gravy.

eleanorigby, I have a lot of painting in my near future, and I am not looking forward to it one bit. Oh, and I have heard two songs off the new DC cd, and am looking forward to getting my own copy. And I do like country music!

Right now the pain in my posterior are the stupid eagles roosting in the trees around my house. They start up with their screeching rather early, and are stalking my little dogs, so until I put a covering over my deck I can’t let the dogs out unless I am out with them. I was out weeding a couple of days ago, and one took off from a nearby tree, startled me witless. (it’s not a long trip…)

Well, I need to get moving, this being the first Monday of Summer Vacation for the kids, we are just lazing our way through the chores. My turn for the shower, and then I am out to push some seeds in the dirt.

I’m particularly lovin’ the Vanna White pose in front of the kiln. :stuck_out_tongue:

What is wrong with You People, missing this:

Goosed by a goose! Ha!
Unless someone already beat me to it and I just didn’t read closely enough. That could happen.

so, are there shelves you slip inside? or do you only put things on the floor of the kiln? I guess you wouldn’t really be firing that many pots at once, it just looks kinda small to me - but then the last time I saw a kiln up close and personal was in 1975, and it was at school, so there had to be room for several students’ things.

rose - there are shelves and supports - one full shelf and 4 half shelves - all of this stuff is referred to as furniture. You can sorta see in on the floor to the left of the kiln in one of the pics - layered with styrofoam. The furniture came with special gloves and safety glasses. :cool: And a container of kiln wash.

I’ve got an owner’s manual which includes a CD, or a DVD - I’m not sure which. I haven’t gone thru it yet, but I will.

If I wasn’t so tired (and about to toddle off to bed) I’d be really excited.

Yay! FCM has her kiln! Looks very cool. Or should that be hot. Cuz kilns are hot, right? :smiley:

Mika, words fail me. Glad you still managed to have fun, but I sure was feeling your impatience as you told about the waiting. Really can’t stand to wait for other people to dilly-dally in situations like that.

Funny OP, taxi. Chapter one in the novel: taxi Discovers Minnesota?

Whap the co-worker one from us, LiLi. He deserves it.

Glad you made it to Florida in one piece Spats! My friend’s son eventually made it to his destination, minus one piece of luggage. The luggage has caught up with him in the meantime, but he really really needed both suitcases and was pretty scared for a while.

Hey, MBG! You’re copycatting me in advance with the not-blooming-at-the-same-time lilacs. I have two and want…about five. Are you sure you planted them in the right garden?

Spent an exciting weekend in and near gardens - surprising, huh? Just some miscellaneous pictures….

Gotta go read for a while… I have a busy busy week ahead!


Remember how it has been touted that there is never too much TMI to squick me out? Well, the google ad for geese contraceptives, now that’s pretty squicky. I mean, would you want your job to be puttin’ condoms on gooses? ICK!

Great OP, taxi! It reminds me of an old Car and Driver story about a drive to Prudoe Bay: " We had a dog once, something ate it."

Guess I started something with my goose stories last MMP. I was off today, so we went to the dog Park. Only a couple dogs there, Maggie tried to make a friend:
Maggie: Will you be my friend?
Small fluffy dog: No :walks off:
Maggie: :whimper: :frowning:

I’m still posting on the NeaderHal 9000, since the new one won’t talk to the modem. One more problem, and I’ll have it gutted and rebuilt.

swampy mmmmm… sushi
LOUNE Hate geese much?
puggy I like metyballs. I put vermouth in mine. Booze makes everything taste better. especially beer and pizza
LiLi maybe VunderBob shoud take Shiftless Git golfing

10pm Gnu Yawk time - guess I’ll crawl into bed. I worked on a brochure for the chorus, but the wording has to be approved before I can show it off. I played a lot of poker - I have got to nip this addiction in the bud - I’m better off just saving my poker playing for the twice a year with real peoples, but then I win a game and I figure its worth it (yes I do have a compulsive personality - why do you think I’m as big as I am?)

Ok, everyone got busy posting today, and me slaving away on the last day before the end of school…

So, rigs - back to work!!!

Huh? oh…I mean great job!

GT, if I didn’t put them in the right place, someone else can come out and move them.

mika, good to have you back, sorry about family, but you know what they say, right? Something about not picking your family but picking your nose and not picking your family’s noses…I forget how it all goes, but it’s along those lines…

Ok, who wants to hear my car story?

The Kid’s Corolla died a couple weeks back. She had starter sounding-ish problems and one day it just refused to start.

I am NOT a Car Guy, (Bus Guy technically either, if by that you mean do I fix them…) so I called the friend Jim, who IS a car guy. Today he shows up with the creeper, jacks and tools. We take out the starter. By we, I mean he.

Off to NAPA, where they put the starter on the bench to test it. Damn thing started just like that. Which means the problem lies elsewhere, right? Except we still don’t think so. So, the executive decision is made to put the thing back in on the theory that Toyota makes PC’s, not Macs, and maybe it just needed to re-boot. (Honest, we said that).

As he’s bolting the thing back in he says “hey, this red wire doesn’t have a bolt on it, I think it’s supposed to”. He didn’t recall having to unbolt the hot wire to the starter, and there isn’t a leftover bolt anywhere.


Off I go to Ace, grab a few assorted .35 cent bolts, he tightens the red wire back on to the starter, and guess what?

It started.

Yay! I’m an apprentice Car Guy! Hey, I bought the bolts, I get to be the apprentice.

Now it’s time for pizza and, uh…my LAST beer? How in the hell did I leave a single soldier in here? :smack: