Misquoted Movies, etc.

Not according to imDb.


What she really said was, “I want to be LEFT alone…”

I feel the same way when anyone uses the “wherefore” from

in a “where are you” sense…


Can anyone verify whether Edward G. Robinson actually said, “Do it my way, see?” in a movie? I’ve searched imdb.com under “memorable quotes” for various Robinson movies and can’t find it. I’m suspecting this may be like Cagney’s “dirty rat.”

Circa 1980 Strother Martin was the guest host on Saturday Night Live. He participated in a bizarre skit where he was in charge of an intense French language camp (a la Cool Hand Luke). At the relevant part, he intoned “What we have he-ah is fail-yah tah communicate bi-lingually.” There was no “a” in it. (Forgive my attempt to transcribe the accent.)

Actually, ST, you looked in the wrong place on the IMDB. This IMDB link proves that RC is right. What the bio quote you posted refers to is GG’s attempt to be left alone by the media after her retirement from the movies; however, in Grand Hotel, she did indeed say “I vant to be alone.”

…yeah, but very memorable as many can relate to Jan’s frustration. Also, along these lines, Mom never “always said ‘don’t play ball in the house’”, but if you have a Mom, you get the point.

  • Jinx

This far into a movie misquote thread and no one has mentioned “Badges, we don’t need no stinkin’ badges!” The quote was used in Blazing Saddles and on SNL, but in Treasure of the Sierra Madre the quote is:

Gold Hat: Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges.

Another one is Col. Kilgore in Apocalypse Now – the misquote is usually “I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like … victory.”
The original is a lot longer than that :

Does anyone know what the James Cagney line actually is? They way I’ve heard it is something like, “You dirty rat … you did it to my sister, and now I’m going to do it to you,” or, “You’re the dirty rat that did it …” etc.

One (possibly questionable) misquote is Abe Lincoln’s, " ‘A house divided against itself cannot stand.’ ". I haven’t found any translation of the Bible that has those exact words, though it is usually said that Mr. Lincoln was creating his own paraphrase.

“I’ve been slimed” was a t-shirt slogan following Ghostbusters, but was never spoken in the movie. “He slimed me” is as close as Bill Murray got to saying that line.