Miss America introduces politics. Good idea, bad idea, or who cares what this outdated show does?

A hearty second to this motion.

Less politics, more butts and boobs.

I guess that’s not politically correct, though.

What if they have a jello wrestling competition?

It’s literally happening in this thread. It’s free advertising. People find out about it ahead of time and watch because they want to see the controversy. Plus people just hear about it in general. How many people even knew it was coming up? Not me. I’d forgotten about it, like most pageants. I just vaguely know there’s someone who become Miss America, but nothing else. Now I’ve been reminded.

Then there’s what happens if they get a particularly juicy response. Everyone will want to watch it, and they can make money off of the video. They can use Content ID on YouTube so that anyone who puts up a video of it gives all their money to them.

They’re still views, which means ad money, which is what they are really after.

Not that I actually think there’s anything wrong with the questions. Whether it’s done for ratings or not, these are important questions. Far better than the stupid “world peace” stuff. They’re ACTUALLY RELEVANT to America.

You might be right, but do you think they care any more about the beauty queens’ political stances?