Monday, Monday, da da da dada dada MMP

Howdy Y’all! Dindin has been et. Yeah we et earlyish. We was hongry! When all one has to do is heat up pot roast, steam up some green beans and bake some frozen rolls. Tasty and easy, just like the way I like my men.

Also, our good deed for the [del]year[/del] day has been accomplished. We helped my neighbor unload some boxes of Pergo floorin’. Her brothers are comin’ to install it this weekend. Go Barbara’s Brothers!

And that’s all the news that’s fit to print from swampland.

Had another fun-filled day at irk today. I got a bunch of stuff where it needed to go and more will surely follow tomorrow.

I got something in my eye earlier and I can’t tell if it’s still stuck, or if my eye is just irritated. It feels better if I tear up, so I’m inclined to think it’s just still irritated. It sucks, whatever the problem is.

Supper was yum. It’s dark out. I’m going to assume the recline position. MWAH!

The way that I do pumpkin pie (and my mom and granny before me) is to follow the Libby’s recipe and double the spices. My grandfather always said. “Never trust an orange pumpkin pie.”

Back to the doc today and hoped to get the catheter out so I can get back to real life. Didn’t happen. :frowning:

rosie’s sig to all.

That’s my version as well, even if I never knew any of my grandparents enough to discuss pie with them.

Here. Haven’t read. Whew!! What a day. First of the month and all that goes w that. Must report another perfect inventory. No small feat with 5 hands to account for. Got much other 1st of the month stuff done. Even did the monthly safety talk.
Gonna go the the doctor again about swollen and achy knee. Flying to me ole home state of GA on Firday to visit my sick brother. Just know I’m gonna freeze to death. If I don’t get killed in the ATL traffic :eek:

Ok. Off to read. See what the weather guesser ( like this one, MOOOOOMMMMMM ) has to say.

Whenever Monday comes, you can find me crying all the time.

Still haven’t read. My boss sent an email to all his managers reading " last call for stuff you feel should on your eval". I sent 13 pages as an attachment and a couple suggestions in the text of the mail. Did I go too far? I would bet he is plagiarizing my list.


home from weeknd of fun with friends and family.

over tired.


my .sig to all.

Worked in da Hood. Stabbing free day, but there were about 10 cops hanging out on the Beltline on ramp out of there. Saw a deer crossing the road.

Congrats on the forms, sari.

Home (at last). Was visited by some criminals while I wasn’t. Iffn I remember before next [del]Election[/del] Rejection Day, I’ll ummmm, accidentally, yeah, yeah, that’s it, accidentally short circuit the doorbell wire into the door handle so when those dirtbags leave their “Vote for me” litter hanging from my front door handle…ZZZTTTTTT!!! (& that’s only because it’s illegal to setup a tripwire shotgun. :mad:)

But why was the deer crossing the road?

Up, caffeinated, off to work. Hockey tonight


Because she was stalking the chicken.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 39 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 74 for the day. So start out with a jacket and run the risk of leavin’ it at irk it is then. :smiley: Yestiddy afternoon it was warm enough to be without a jacket. So, when I left irk I wandered out in shirt sleeves. I got in twuck and was out of the parkin’ lot when I went, “Duh! Jacket hangin’ on orifice chair!” and went back to get said jacket. I am five years old when it comes to forgettin’ jackets, scarves, umbrellas etc.

doggio that made me snort.

Ok that’s all I got. I need more caffiene and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, irk purtification must commence and I also want to go by my precinct and vote before irk cause it’s convenient to do so.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

We had a young deer stalking in our front yard the other day. Higgs did *not *like it one bit! She amped up the shrill in her bark, but we’ve got triple-insulated windows, so the deer didn’t even flinch. I wanted to go out and chase her away just to shut the dog up. Stoopit dog!!

We need to drop the Sonata at the Hyundai dealer this morning to get something recall-related done to it. The only other plan for today is to de-leaf the back yard, including leaf-removal from the decks. We’ll see how that goes.

Poor **FCD **is hurting - I think he overdid it again yesterday, so I’m letting him sleep in for a while, but if he’s not up in an hour, I’ve got to roust him so we can head to the dealer.

We’re promised a sunny/cloudy day with temps near 70! Might just be able to open the windows for a bit. Which would be nice. Other than that, just another day in paradise.

Happy Tuesday!


Did not sleep well, because of stoooopid dreams that made me want to strangle VWife upon waking. :mad:

To prove to the possum it could be done?

Belated Happies, FCD!

I have been somewhat MIA lately, just got home from 8 days in Romania on the trail of Dracula. We had a fantastic time seeing the sights in Transylvania although it’s an area not all that used to tourists so occsaionally the locals did give us a few funny looks.

Rescued the cats from the moggery when I got back on Monday, went shopping to restock the alarmingly empty fridge and am back at work dealing with the torrent of stupid that seems to have rocketed through the office in my absence.

Ho hum. Have pickled my liver and am now entering stage 3 alcoholism. Time to detox, perhaps?

Does pickling preserve your liver? Need answer fast!

I believe you will find him at Fairfax.

Afternoon all!
Welcome back Boofae!

Wet soggy day, made it down to the shops to buy aigs, but I don’t think gardenin’ will happen today. I’m supposed to be going to a burnin-stuff-in-the-park night tomorrow, which is national burning’ stuff day, so I’m makin’ spiced apple cake to bring. It’s in the oven now, smells good so far.

I can’t decide if I should try making more bonfire toffee to bring as well, 'cos I et the first batch, all but one little bit. I probably should. There’s not much else to do in the rain, and it’s sposes to be far too nice a day to waste slaving over a hot stove tomorrow.