Monthly Photo Competition #19 – June, 2024 – “Night” [Poll added]

This is the monthly thread for June, 2024. The topic this month is “Night”, chosen by @aurora_maire.

Please note:

The general rules for the competition are here.

One entry per person per month . To make the photos easier to review please only post just once to this thread, with your entry. Your post can include a caption with whatever info you want to give.

Please keep all discussion in the rolling discussion thread.

Once the submission deadline has passed, I’ll put a voting poll in this thread.

Submission deadline: Wednesday, June 26, 11:45 pm US EDT

Good luck!


Night life on Coney Island in the summer:

Central Park at night after a light snowfall.


Nothing says night time to me more than a candle


Maple In Snow
Going to have to take down this 100+ year old maple this summer, she’s been dead for 2 years now, and is too close to the house to risk sub-trunks coming down. I has a sad :frowning_face:

Not to step on @Dogginit’s toes, but here’s another maple tree, this time on a very foggy night with the streetlight adding some subtle rays.

Galveston Pleasure Pier:



Self-portrait by moonlight with laser pointer:

Coming home late on Friday.

Twilight parade small town next door.

I made a video but it’s not dl from the cloud so this is a screen grab.

Buckingham Fountain, Chicago IL

Orchids by night (about 10 minutes ago). Google photos, so click for the full image.

Google Photos


  The Constellation Orion, photographed by me about eight years ago.

  It is important that you must never make jokes about that bright star to the lower left of this picture.  It’s Sirius.

  Thirty Seconds, ƒ/3.5, 18mm, ISO 400.

Chanute AFB photographer records the dope and fabric shop fire, a midnight in Sep 1955. Oxygen tanks and 50 gallon drums of nitrate dope provided pyrotechnics.

Sails on the horizon at dusk.

Ghostly grazer in the gloaming. Not my horse, another at the farm where my horse was living.