Moon Nazis are the worst.

This entire time, I thought it was Illinois Nazis that I had to look out for.

I’ve always loved you.

Moonraker wasn’t the movie I was referring to. I won’t give you the title but will tell you **Least Original User Name Ever’s ** post also references it.

I know it wasn’t.

Really? Dammit. throws out short story based on dream

You better pick that shit back up and sell that.
Get that money, woman!


I just made it up… never thought you’d take it seriously.

Hell, SELL Tim the story!

You are a bad man, FriarTed. Or a very good liar. I haven’t decided yet.

And don’t even get me started on those Commie Nazis. Sheesh!

The most vivid dream I remember occurred in 8th grade. The whole world had deteriorated into an Armageddon of sorts, because there were floating whales trying to take over the earth. I mean floating, in the air. They were assorted sizes of gargantuan, blotting out the sun.

And in my terror I sought the only true refuge… a McDonald’s bathroom. For some reason McDonald’s bathrooms were the only salvation available in such a desolate reality.

I wish I could say this was unusual, for a dream of mine, but sadly, no. This was just one of the most memorable.

I had the “vivid dreams” when I was on oxycodone for knee surgery.

For people who haven’t had them. . .it’s hard to describe. They might sound just like real dreams on the surface, but that shit went right to my amygdala. I woke up in fear, with feelings like things had really changed. They’re not just vivid images, but things that strike emotional centers in the brain.

I had one in particular in which I was killing spiders and the spiders turned into dog/hamster/spider hybrids with the emotional and moral understanding of humans. They wanted to kill me for killing their lesser kin, and they couldn’t understand why I was killing them.

When I woke up from that dream, I never wanted to go back to sleep again. I stopped taking the oxycodone, and started hitting the motrin. It didn’t help with the pain, but the dreams stopped.

I had others with bugs, and big cats attacking me. Real “Naked Lunch” stuff.

I had vivid dreams for a period of about three weeks after I stopped taking Lexapro. It was my impression that the antidepressant was actually suppressing my dreams, so when the drug left my system, they sprung back in full force.

Amazing, clear and logical dreams. Epic dreams that stayed in my mind the rest of the day. I still remember a lot of them. The one that comes to mind involved an anonymous gift to humanity from some unseen race of super intelligent beings. They sent us a large orbiting factory which could produce food from sunlight and basic elements. Unfortunately most people were afraid of it and we eventually destroyed it.

Where the heck did that idea come from? Your guess is as good as mine. I wasn’t reading any science fiction or thinking about aliens at the time.

I’d give anything to have dreams like this every night.

Can’t I be both? :smiley: