more HS stupidity :Repeatedly Groped Teen Almost Gets Expelled for 'Boys Are Not Allowed to Touch Me

Well, I suppose it depends. Are boys rational beings who respect the expressed wishes of other people about their bodily autonomy, or are boys inconsiderate “animals” for whom their own desire to get away with doing something forbidden overrides other people’s right to bodily autonomy?

If the former, then no problem: they see a shirt that says “don’t touch me”, and they won’t touch her because she has the right to decide who may or may not touch her. Simple.

If the latter, then it sounds like we need either to discipline those boys so that they learn how to respect other people’s autonomy, or remove them from school so their inability to behave with respect isn’t causing problems for other people.

Either way, I don’t think the correct response is to treat the boys’ misconduct as some kind of behavioral natural phenomenon that girls need to accept as a fact of life and figure out the correct workaround for.

I heard about this one country where women wear full-length black veils in public. Maybe we could try that?

Anyone else bothered by the lack of specifics in a supposed news story?

The kid, the mother, the goddamned Principal. They don’t even name the High School. Not even a ‘the Principal declined to comment’. The links are to ‘Working Mother’.

I’m gonna go ahead and call bullshit.

I’m a guy and I always thought high school sucks. The princ’s behavior is the first of it’s kind that I’ve read about.

What do you mean, “supposed news story”? It says right in the article that it’s describing an account posted anonymously in the r/LegalAdvice online forum. I see no evidence that anybody’s trying to fool you into thinking that it’s a “news story”.

I only hope you’re right. Sadly, there is nothing about the incidents as described that seems in any way implausible.

How old are they? That’s the kind of crap I expect from someone whose age is still measured in months, not double-figure years.

You may wish to hold off on that. Here is the reddit thread being referenced in the item on It’s a legal advice subreddit to which the girl’s mother posted, seeking advice about how she should respond to the principal’s handling of the incident, particularly in light of the implied threat of further and harsher discipline.

One of the moderator comments on a deleted post is a reiteration of the subreddit’s policy that users are forbidden from using the platform to advise questioners to call the media or to post on social media, on the grounds that:

In this kind of format, fact-checking can be impractical, at best.

I live in the state this allegedly happened and was wondering myself. If there’s no followup from the reddit user, I wouldn’t get worked up over it. I mean, sadly that behavior by male students and circling the wagons by administrators is realistic and does happen. The threat of expulsion struck me as unrealistic; or else there is information missing from the story that would escalate the situation to that.

It means that some people refuse to edit their posts for basic clarity and comprehensibility even in a text medium.

Rather disrespectful to others, but I suppose this board puts up with worse.

Ehh. Not being able to edit our thread titles is a big part of the problem, imho.

Or you could just stop being a troll, but where’s the fun in that?

Yes, it is unnatural for teenage persons to be forced into situations where they do not see how adults interact with each other. Mandatory schooling, especially middle and high school is not an advisable program. Once someone reaches age 12 or 13, they should be integrated into adult society. No exceptions. The so-called “immature” teenage persons are those who most need this early integration.


Here, I’ll translate:

Oh yeah, that clears it up :slight_smile:

Yeah, just assume anything Warnaby posts is straight out of Crazytown by way of Assholistan.

I have a suggestion.

I’ve told you before: You need to insert some smiley-face icons, or somehow make your sarcasm more blatant. Obviously this is a parody but … a parody of what?

And there goes Septimus Pot calling the Farnaby Kettle black again. As with Farnaby’s posts, Dopers often mistake my parody posts as sincere right-wing idiocy. So …

[sarcasm on] How can we call this the Home of the Free, Sweet Land of Liberty, if an American male isn’t free to grab pussy? You libtards who don’t think boys should have the Liberty to have fun, like they did in Starving Artist’s 1950’s fantasy, should just move to Saudi Arabia where female bodies are inviolable.

I think it’s parodies all the way down.