More sovereign citizen goodness

Hmm… yes, but I believe “an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth” was from the Code of Hammurabi so the police should really be enacting harsher historical punishments on them, if anything.

I, SaiNt C’aD, sov. cit., FotL, being of a human body, did not use the courts. However my legal strawman Saint Cad did and thus I do not bind myself to contracts under UCC 1-103 & 1-308.

And to gain what?
Representative tokens of a currency backed by a government whose authority you refuse to recognize? That same authority determines the value of the token.

Okay, so now-a-days the tokens are mere electrical impulses that indicate numerical values with a currency symbol closely associated with them. But it’s a governmental system (network thereof) which supports the banks’ exchange of numerical value and governmental systems which facilitate the communication of those exchanges. :dubious:

The AoC probably don’t recognize The Internet (wasn’t telegraphy new and telephony still pending?) so if you’re limiting your universe to only AoC -era artifacts, then there’s no way to give you any funds you might gain by filing a successful lein.

For that matter, even in the most antiquated courthouse, your lein filing will be stored on a post-WWII artifact we generically call a “computer” which your worldview doesn’t seem to recognize… :smack:


I love to laugh at the sovereign citizens, but I admit to feeling some sympathy for them. After all, a lot of the rhetoric of the Founding Fathers was based on social contract theory and the idea that the right to govern comes from the consent of the governed. In some ways they’re just taking the U.S. at its word. (And then naively and ridiculously misinterpreting that word.)

And we all do that to some extent. If I were arrested, say, for refusing to consent to a search of my vehicle or for refusing to answer an officer’s questions, you better believe I’d argue with the cops (hopefully more politely and reasonably than these people, but still…) and I’d take it to court. And if I lost in court, I’d appeal. And even if the Supreme Court decided against me, I’d still argue that I should have won, because I’m right, and we’re supposed to be a nation of laws. The difference, of course, is that unlike the sovereign citizens, I am right about what the law says. At least, I think I am.

“Hey, pig cop! According to the Code of Hammurabi, you have to stay 5 cubits away from me or your “superior” will boil you in pitch! KNOW YOUR LAWS!! KNOW YOUR LAWS!!”

Personally I only recognize the authority of the Shadow Proclamation.

Rationalwiki presents the Freeman on the Land movements success stories:


Yeah, the FBI takes this shit seriously.

I have to commend the cop. He was so calm about the whole thing, didn’t even raise his voice. I wish I had that kind of patience!

(on a side note: I am now somewhat concerned at the apparent case that any Tom Dick or Harriet can file liens against my property just for the f*&^ of it and nobody will look to see if they’re real. One would think at the very least one would have to produce a verifiable legal document proving one is empowered to file said lien…)

You just made my day. That was the best entertainment I’ve had in years. Whatever network is showing COPS needs to just focus on police interaction with these loons. You know the ratings will skyrocket.

I found myself contemplating the most efficient ways of dispatching her from the Earth from which she is (according to her) more for the voice than for the lunacy.

I’ve met that kind of loon. Here’s the kicker: said loon was in the United States Navy. I accidentally almost killed another friend when I, feigning seriousness, asked the loon, “But what about the fringed flags indicating admiralty courts?” Really, I shouldn’t’ve done that at dinner. Poor friend–the non-loon friend, that is–he didn’t enjoy having his coffee coming out his nose.

I’ve indicated this on this board before: I lump them all into one group. They’re just CTers (conspiracy theorists). They’ll either move onto another CT or add it to the répertoire. Sovereign Citizen, Freedmen of/on the Land, Birther, Truther, whatever…they’re pretty much a distinction without a difference to me. They’re in complete denial of reality.

I can’t remember who but I think he or she is still an active poster here. That poster is (was?) convinced the constitution of the United States is an illegal document.

The beauty of the video linked in the OP is that Screechette (“Screech” is already taken by that odd actor, who, come to think of it, is also incarcerated) couldn’t even get her “magic phrases” correct. Maybe she’ll have time in jail to practice.

Well, diplomatic immunity only applies to accredited diplomatic representations and then only when the sending nation exercises such immunity.

Hey! Me, too! I just checked the ol’ Wiki and it looks like there may be a movement for that. Since those [de]lunatics[/del] don’t think they’re US citizens, or even subject to US law, that means that I can attack them and take all their money, etc., no matter where they are, right? At least, that “theory” is better than their stupidities.

I think the Geneva Conventions need to designate her voice as a crime against humanity.

I cannot wait until I get home tonight. A close friend has a brother who is a police officer in South Korea. I’m going to send that link to her and ask her brother his opinion. Both my friend and her brother are fluent in English, but I worry about him watching the video. He might choke to death while laughing.

Nope. They won’t believe that. They’ll just believe they’re martyrs.

Hey!Hey![size=5]Hey!** What are you doing trying to use logic here?

Using that ridiculous grin on the driver’s face, I’m going to have to say he was thinking: “Thank God Almighty I’m finally going to jail. That’s the only reason I was pretending to buy into that bitch’s bullshit. I really didn’t know any other way to break it off.”


I’ve met, sadly, more than one such.

I was wondering what was with the cop in the video. He had obviously gotten the driver out of the car (lucky bastard was away from the bitch!) and had placed him under arrest. Why was he even trying to reason with an obviously unreasonable person. Actually, I’m severely disappointed. I wanted to see her get tazed. Oh, well. That’ll probably happen in the near future!

This is what’s known as mature and intelligent behavior. That is quite lacking with the CTers, of any stripe.

:pHeh. One of my nephews has a girlfriend who has an irritating cartoon voice like that. It’s too bad that she’s a really nice, pleasant person because it makes me feel bad that I want to scream every time she talks.

Well, if you want a serious answer…
The UCC is not a federal law. It is a model set of laws written by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the American Law Institute. Individual states adopt it (or not) as they see fit. All states have adopted a version of the UCC. Louisiana has not adopted Article 2.

So the Commerce Clause has no connection with the UCC.

Big Jojo doesn’t think you’re subject to the laws of the United States either. Big Jojo thinks you are subject to Big Jojo.

Nitpick : it’s the other way around. It applies unless the sending nation waives it.

Thanks, clairobscur. You’re correct.

It is, but they believe that’s equally true of the legal system. The reasoning, such as it is, appears to be “I don’t understand legalese, therefore it doesn’t actually mean anything, therefore it’s just magic rituals, therefore my magic rituals should be equally good” though I don’t think many of them would say most of that explicitly.

I seem to recall reading some of them (claim to) set up their own courts. I imagine these tend to be a lot like the tribunal from The Dark Knight Rises.

She doesn’t just think he’s wrong; the cuffs go on, and she thinks she’s not under arrest.

“You’re under arrest.”
“No, I’m not. NO, I’m NOT.”

(Bearing in mind, of course, that she also thinks she was raped.)

Since everyone is actually a corporation they seem to find some parts of civil courts they deal with. But mostly they are just being dicks.

Some states have enacted statutes with severe penalties for this kind of malicious attack on your finances. Others are behind on the issue. Regardless it can really screw you up until it is straightened out. Whenever a cop has an issue with one of these yahoos it is usually recommended the sign up for lifelock.


:smack: :head slap:

I gotta stop reading this thread…

I wish we could get updates on stuff like this. As fun as the arrest video was i bet it pales in comparison to the part when her made up reality explodes in her face.