More than 50% of Americans polled don't know Romney's religion

Apostates, yes. Non-Christian, no. Mormons talk often about the “Great Apostasy” in which the early Christian church deviated from the teachings and rituals taught by Jesus and thus lost the Priesthood authority. The Book of Mormon calls mainsteam Christianity (or specifically Catholicism, depending on how you interpret it) “the whore of the earth”, but never calls them un-Christian.

This is pretty much the official LDS opinion of Protestant sects, from a description of Joseph Smith’s first Q&A session with God and Jesus:

(side note: Joseph Smith wrote this story a decade or so after he had briefly joined the Methodists. But he claims it happened before he joined the Methodists. Go figure.)

I barely know who mitt romney is- and that only because my aunt thinks he is a greaseball, so I paid attention to one of his speeches.

Why would I care about his religion? I don’t care about yours, or even mine!

Heh. It’s even worse than that; I believe (to the best of my knowledge… I haven’t thought about this stuff for a number of years, since I had my last faith crisis; this is the kind of thing the average Mormon doesn’t think much about) the belief is that God (the Father) was once a man like Jesus. (Kind of going along with the same idea that our purpose as humans is to grow up to be like God, or gods… now that’s something that doesn’t jibe at all with regular Christian theology. But it’s not something that gets talked about a whole lot.)

About Jesus himself, I don’t think Mormons quite fall into the Arian camp.

I feel like I heard in Conference relatively recently, or maybe in one of the manuals, that the “whore of the earth” phrase is not “supposed” to refer to a specific religion, but rather to general-un-Christlike-behavior. But I have no cite (maybe I’ll look it up when I get home).

(And yes, I know, from context, allusion, AND Mormon history it’s clear what it actually was meant to mean… but as you know, present-day Mormons are required to scrap all that if a contradictory statement was made in Conference last month.)

Come on now, friend. You resorted to invoking “Jay Walking” as “proof” that people are stupid. That is, shall we say, a poorly selected example to support a rhetorical point. Unless, that is, ya got proof that it’s a valid, statistically-controlled and procedurally-sound sampling method. :dubious:

As it happens, just yesterday I heard a sermon on the radio on the express topic of the Trinity and how all who reject it (Mormons were named, among others including Muslims) categorically were not Christians.