Most annoying commercial spokesperson.

As soon as I learn to quote on here…

In Salon last year, they had an interview with Nimoy about star trek, why Nimoy hates Berman (like 75% of the universe) and other things. Nimoy mentioned in response to a question that ST:V wasn’t entirely Shatners fault. Paramount pushed way to hard on it, and Bill didn’t have all the control one would think a Director should have. Nimoy admits (like everyone else involved) that the plot stunk from the word go, but it would have been better had Shatner had a chance to improve it. Granted, ANYONE, could have improved that plot, but still…

I think the way I should say it, is that “It wouldn’t have sucked quite so bad had Paramount given Shatner half a chance.”

David “Dewey” Arquette-Cox, spectacularly untalented retard actor, seller of his soul to marry Courtney, annoying telephone pitchman, and the man who helped destroy any credibility the WCW might have had left in the new millenium.

I also find the Pets.Com dog quite annoying, which is too bad, because he was created by a former member of MTV’s “The State”. Hopefully Robert Smigel will win the lawsuit and get some money out of

And I like the Shatner Priceline ads.

Not in any particular order…

The Welches Grape Juice kid
The Pepsi kid - I just want to strangle her
William Shatner in those Priceline commercials
All of them DIE DIE DIE!!!
L.Ron, is the dog that sock puppet? If it is, I love him. (If it’s not - then I don’t know him). That new commercial where he’s talking to the fish in the tank and “holding his breath” cracks me up every time.

Does this apply to Infomercials?

I hate the audiences who are the stuupidest people on the face of the earth.
“How much would you pay for this paper bag?”
“I’d pay fifty dollars for one!”
“I’ll give it to you for only 49.99!”
“OMG! What a deal!”

I have to confess that I love that dog sock puppet, too. :smiley:
Maybe it’s because I love animals. Maybe it’s because I love the absurd (eg, Monty Python).

Or maybe it’s because I’m just immature… :eek:
(Hey–I don’t PLAY with sockpuppets any more)