Most honorable villains?

There was a Saturday morning cartoon (it could have been He-Man), where the hero met up with one the Bad Guy’s Lts. Unlike most of the BGLs, this one would actually honor truces, prisoner exchanges, etc. (instead of double-crossing the hero). I think the hero said to the BGL that he is too honorable to work for such a scummy boss and should switch sides, but I don’t remeber if he did or not.

Sorry for a vague description - the situation is very vivid to me, but not any of the other details.


Hank Scorpio

Do a good job and get a pro football team!

Professor James Moriarty. Holmes said of him in The Final Problem

“He is the organizer of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in [London]. He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thinker. He has a brain of the first order.”

He has called on Baker street and just before the fight over the falls he allows Holmes to write a note to Watson. A gentleman not a thug.

I need to second this. I missed posting **Moriarty ** by 1 post.
I would also nominate the original Romulan Commander in Star Trek. (Played by Mark Lenard who also played Spock’s Father Sarek)

That was going to be my choice.

I also nominate Cigarette Smoking Man from the X-Files, he is ruthless, but he is actually trying to save mankind (at least that is how I remember it, they were trying to stall the alien invasion until the came up with some sort of antidote), but that nosey Mulder keeps screwing everything up.

He’s only a villain because he’s sworn to fight for the evil side, but I nominate Rana Sanga from the Belisarius series. The guy’s entire life revolves around honor; he serves the Malwa only because he swore an oath.

Don’t recall He-Man ever coming on Saturday mornings. Might it have been Blackstar or Thundarr the Barbarian?

Marc Remillard from Julian May’s Saga of Pliocene Exile/Galactic Milieu Trilogy series. It’s hard to imagine anybody doing a more thorough job of cleaning up his own mess.

Señor Senior Sr., from Disney’s Kim Possible cartoon show. He follows the “code of villainy”, which includes “always leave the room after tying your foe to an overly complicated death machine”.

Well, it might not have been a Saturday morning cartoon, but it was definitely animated.
And it is very possible I’m combining different shows in one memory.


Is that some kind of sly reference to Baroness’ ass?

I can imagine the cartoon Destro saying “Damn girl, you have got an onion.”

Someone’s going to have to help me out with some names here, my memory’s a bit fuzzy, but vampires are quite often portrayed as very honorable beings who take no particular pleasure in what they do, and in fact try to make their victims’ passing as peaceful, if not pleasurable, as possible.

In Marvel comics at least, I seem to recall Dracula himself was usually a pretty decent guy, except for the one time when he tried to turn Storm into a vampire.

Frankenstin’s monster. Not bad, just misunderstood.

No, merely his competence as a villain.

However, it is nice to see a young person cultivating healthy intrests.

Until he got Ygor’s brain… then he became evil.

What? Can you help me with this reference?

I believe he’s referring to Young Frankenstein. “Eye-gor” is sent out to get a the brain of Hans Delbruck, which he accidentally drops, destroying it. Instead, he brings back a brain belonging to “Abby Someone…”

It’s “Hans Delbruck, scientist and saint”

“Abby Someone…” of course, is “Abby Normal” - or that’s how “Eye-gor” reads it.

Superman. He thinks he is fighting for truth and justice, he just doesn’t know that the American way is about racism and empire building.

I don’t think this is a reference to either the original “Frankenstein” movie (where the twisted assistant is “Fritz”) or to “Young Frankenstein”, but to the movie “Ghost of Frankenstein”, the sequel to “Son of Frankenstein” (Which YF spoofed). Both these films featured Bela Lugosi as Ygor – the only time in the Universal canon when the twisted assistant actually was named Ygor, in fact. At the end of TGOF, Ygor’s own brain gets put into the body of the monster, and since Ygor was said to be mad, now the monster was, too.

(He was also blind, although that was conveniently forgotten for the next film, Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman)